释义 |
fans是fan的复数 - n.风扇;迷;扇子;狂热爱好者
- v.扇;激起;扇(风);煽起
- 网络粉丝;球迷;歌迷
复数:fans 现在分词:fanning 过去分词:fanned adj.+n. big Fan,electric Fan,avid Fan,young Fan,ardent Fan v. waft,blow,cool,wave,percolate n. admirer,enthusiast,aficionado,follower,aficionada 1. | 迷;狂热爱好者;狂热仰慕者a person who admires sb/sth or enjoys watching or listening to sb/sth very much |
| | | crowds of football fans 一群群足球迷 | | a big fan of Madonna 麦当娜的狂热仰慕者 | | fan mail(= letters from fans to the person they admire) 狂热仰慕者的来信 |
2. | 风扇a machine with blades that go round to create a current of air |
| to switch on the electric fan 开电扇 | | |
3. | 扇子a thing that you hold in your hand and wave to create a current of cool air |
1. | ~ sb/sth/yourself 扇(风)to make air blow onto sb/sth by waving a fan, your hand, etc. |
| He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down. 他用一张报纸给自己扇凉。 |
2. | ~ sth 扇,吹(使火更旺)to make a fire burn more strongly by blowing on it |
| Fanned by a westerly wind, the fire spread rapidly through the city. 火借助西风迅速蔓延全城。 |
3. | ~ sth 煽起;激起to make a feeling, an attitude, etc. stronger |
| His reluctance to answer her questions simply fanned her curiosity. 他不爽快地回答她的问题,这就激起了她的好奇心。 |
IDM | His writings fanned the flames of racism. 他的写作煽起了种族主义情绪。 |
fan the flames (of sth) 煽风点火;煽动(情绪)to make a feeling such as anger, hatred, etc. worse | His writings fanned the flames of racism. 他的写作煽起了种族主义情绪。 |
v. | 8. 〔美俚〕拍打,鞭打;搜查;〔美俚〕连续急速扫射 8. 〔美俚〕拍打,鞭打;搜查;〔美俚〕连续急速扫射 | n. | 5. 〔美俚〕(运动,影迷,球迷)狂热爱好者;狂慕者 10. 簸箕;扬谷机;(风车的)定风翼;【航空】螺旋桨,螺旋桨叶片 5. 〔美俚〕(运动,影迷,球迷)狂热爱好者;狂慕者 10. 簸箕;扬谷机;(风车的)定风翼;【航空】螺旋桨,螺旋桨叶片 | adj. | |
v. | 1. to blow a current of air steadily and lightly across or around something, either cooling or agitating it 2. to move air around using a fan 3. to cause emotions to become more intense or a situation to become more volatile 4. to winnow grain by blowing away the chaff 5. to fire a gun repeatedly by holding the trigger back and chopping at the hammer with the open hand 6. to spread out in the shape of an open hand-held fan, or spread something out in this way 7. in baseball and hockey, to strike at the ball or puck unsuccessfully 8. to move a flat object backwards and forwards in front of your face in order to make you feel less hot 9. to make a fire burn more strongly by moving air onto it 10. to make a feeling or belief stronger 1. to blow a current of air steadily and lightly across or around something, either cooling or agitating it 2. to move air around using a fan 3. to cause emotions to become more intense or a situation to become more volatile 4. to winnow grain by blowing away the chaff 5. to fire a gun repeatedly by holding the trigger back and chopping at the hammer with the open hand 6. to spread out in the shape of an open hand-held fan, or spread something out in this way 7. in baseball and hockey, to strike at the ball or puck unsuccessfully 8. to move a flat object backwards and forwards in front of your face in order to make you feel less hot 9. to make a fire burn more strongly by moving air onto it 10. to make a feeling or belief stronger | n. | 1. a device to circulate currents of air, especially one with rotating blades 2. an enthusiastic admirer of a celebrity or public performer 3. a flat disk on a handle or a folding semicircular device for waving back and forth in order to cool the face 4. something in the shape of an open hand-held fan, e.g. the tail of a peacock 5. a machine with a series of revolving blades used to winnow or clean grain 6. someone who likes watching or listening to something such as a sport, movies, or music very much, or who admires a famous or important person very much 7. a machine with blades that turn and move the air in a room to make it feel less hot 8. a flat object that you move backwards and forwards in front of your face in order to make yourself feel less hot 1. a device to circulate currents of air, especially one with rotating blades 2. an enthusiastic admirer of a celebrity or public performer 3. a flat disk on a handle or a folding semicircular device for waving back and forth in order to cool the face 4. something in the shape of an open hand-held fan, e.g. the tail of a peacock 5. a machine with a series of revolving blades used to winnow or clean grain 6. someone who likes watching or listening to something such as a sport, movies, or music very much, or who admires a famous or important person very much 7. a machine with blades that turn and move the air in a room to make it feel less hot 8. a flat object that you move backwards and forwards in front of your face in order to make yourself feel less hot |