释义 |
flapped是flap的过去式 - n.【机】(整流罩,散热器等的)风门片;【医】(手术后遗下或移植用的)瓣;(鱼鳃)盖
- v.拍击;拍动(翅膀);拍打(蚊、蝇等);使(帆、帘子等)拍动
- 网络翅膀的拍动;喜欢拍打;有襟翼的
复数:flaps 现在分词:flapping 过去式:flapped n. tab,fold,lappet,flutter,wave 平整的纸等flat piece of paper, etc. 1. | [c] (附于某物的)片状下垂物,封盖,口盖,袋盖a flat piece of paper, cloth, metal, etc. that is attached to sth along one side and that hangs down or covers an opening |
| the flap of an envelope 信封的封盖 | | I zipped the tent flaps shut. 我拉上了帐篷门帘的拉链。 |
动作movement 2. | [c][ususing] (上下或左右)拍打,振(翅),拍击a quick often noisy movement of sth up and down or from side to side |
| With a flap of its wings, the bird was gone. 鸟扑打着翅膀飞走了。 | | the flap of the sails 风帆的鼓胀 |
忧虑;激动worry/excitement 3. | [sing] (informal) 忧虑;困惑;激动a state of worry, confusion and excitement |
| She gets in a flap over the slightest thing. 极小的事也能令她不安。 |
公众不同意public disagreement 4. | [sing] 公众不同意;群众愤怒;大众批评public disagreement, anger or criticism caused by sth a public figure has said or done |
| the flap about the President's business affairs 公众对总统公务的批评 |
飞行器部分part of aircraft 5. | [c] (飞机的)襟翼a part of the wing of an aircraft, on the rear of the wing, that can be moved up or down to control upward or downward movement |
快速动作move quickly 1. | [t][i] ~ (sth) 振(翅)if a birdflaps its wings, or if its wingsflap , they move quickly up and down |
| The bird flapped its wings and flew away. 鸟振翅飞去。 | | The gulls flew off, wings flapping. 海鸥扑打着双翅飞走了。 |
2. | [i][t] (使上下或左右)拍打,拍击,摆动to move or to make sth move up and down or from side to side, often making a noise |
| The sails flapped in the breeze. 风帆在微风中摆动。 | | Two large birds flapped(= flew) slowly across the water. 两只大鸟振翅缓缓飞过水面。 | | She walked up and down, flapping her arms to keep warm. 她来回走动,挥动着双臂使身体暖和起来。 | | A gust of wind flapped the tents. 一阵风吹动了帐篷。 |
忧虑;激动be worried/excited 3. | [i] (informal) 忧虑;激动to behave in an anxious or excited way |
| There's no need to flap─I've got everything under control. 不必担心,一切都已在我控制之中。 |
n. | 1. 垂下物;前襟的翻褶;袋口盖;(帽)边;信封口盖 2. (鱼鳃)盖;(狗等)下垂的长耳;(菌类)张开的伞 8. 【机械工程】(整流罩、散热器等的)风门片,鱼鳞片,瓣 10. (折叠式桌子的)折板,铰链板;(活板门的)活板;【造纸】挡水板;【航空】襟翼,阻力板 1. 垂下物;前襟的翻褶;袋口盖;(帽)边;信封口盖 2. (鱼鳃)盖;(狗等)下垂的长耳;(菌类)张开的伞 8. 【机械工程】(整流罩、散热器等的)风门片,鱼鳞片,瓣 10. (折叠式桌子的)折板,铰链板;(活板门的)活板;【造纸】挡水板;【航空】襟翼,阻力板 | v. | |
n. | 1. a flat thin piece attached along one edge, usually used as a cover for an opening 2. a blow or slap from a broad object 3. either of the two parts of a dust jacket that fold inside a book's cover and are usually printed with information about the book or author 4. a commotion or state of upset, especially a disordered argument 5. an act of or the sound made by flapping 6. a narrow movable surface attached to the rear edge of an aircraft wing that is used to create lift or drag 7. a mass of tissue, used for surgical grafting, that remains partially attached and retains its blood supply 8. an "r" sound made by briefly striking the roof of the mouth with the tongue, as in "parrot" 9. a state of panic or upset 10. a part of the wing of an airplane that moves up and down to help to control the airplane 1. a flat thin piece attached along one edge, usually used as a cover for an opening 2. a blow or slap from a broad object 3. either of the two parts of a dust jacket that fold inside a book's cover and are usually printed with information about the book or author 4. a commotion or state of upset, especially a disordered argument 5. an act of or the sound made by flapping 6. a narrow movable surface attached to the rear edge of an aircraft wing that is used to create lift or drag 7. a mass of tissue, used for surgical grafting, that remains partially attached and retains its blood supply 8. an "r" sound made by briefly striking the roof of the mouth with the tongue, as in "parrot" 9. a state of panic or upset 10. a part of the wing of an airplane that moves up and down to help to control the airplane | v. | 1. to move something up and down, especially wings or arms during or as if in flight, or be moved up and down in this way 2. to fly by moving the wings repeatedly 3. to cause something to move or sway in one direction and then another repeatedly and often noisily, or move in this way 4. to hit somebody or something with a broad flat object 5. to fling down or toss something 6. to be flustered or panicky 7. to make an "r" sound by briefly striking the roof of the mouth with the tongue, as in "parrot" 8. if a bird’s wings flap, or if the bird flaps them, they move quickly up and down 9. to be very worried, nervous, or excited about something 10. cause to move up and down or from side to side 1. to move something up and down, especially wings or arms during or as if in flight, or be moved up and down in this way 2. to fly by moving the wings repeatedly 3. to cause something to move or sway in one direction and then another repeatedly and often noisily, or move in this way 4. to hit somebody or something with a broad flat object 5. to fling down or toss something 6. to be flustered or panicky 7. to make an "r" sound by briefly striking the roof of the mouth with the tongue, as in "parrot" 8. if a bird’s wings flap, or if the bird flaps them, they move quickly up and down 9. to be very worried, nervous, or excited about something 10. cause to move up and down or from side to side |