释义 |
flipped是flip的过去分词 - n.浏览;空翻;轻抛;捻掷;抛;轻打;筋斗;〈口〉(短距离)飞行[传球]
- v.入迷;发疯;(用鞭子等)抽;用指头弹;迅速翻动;按(开关);按(按钮);开(或关)(机器等)
- adj.〈美俚〉= flippant;〈美俚〉= flippant
- 网络怦然心动;砰然心动;翻转
比较级:flipper 最高级:flippest 复数:flips 过去分词:flipped 现在分词:flipping adj. flippant,casual,joking,dismissive,jokey v. turn over,toss,flick,lose your temper,explode n. handspring,flip-flop,somersault,cartwheel,vault 1. | [i][t] (使)快速翻转,迅速翻动to turn over into a different position with a sudden quick movement; to make sth do this |
| The plane flipped and crashed. 飞机猛地翻转,撞毁了。 | | She felt her heart flip(= with excitement, etc.) . 她感到心潮澎湃。 | | He flipped the lid open and looked inside the case. 他猛然开盖,朝箱里看。 |
2. | [t] 按(开关);按(按钮);开(或关)(机器等)to press a button or switch in order to turn a machine, etc. on or off |
| | | She reached over and flipped off the light. 她伸过手去关掉了灯。 |
3. | [t] (用手指)轻抛,轻掷to throw sth somewhere using your thumb and/or fingers |
| They flipped a coin to decide who would get the ticket. 他们掷硬币决定谁得这张票。 | | He flipped the keys onto the desk. 他把钥匙轻抛到桌上。 |
4. | [i] (informal) ~ (out) 十分气愤;异常激动;神志不清to become very angry, excited or unable to think clearly |
| She finally flipped under the pressure. 她在这种压力下终于发疯了。 |
IDM flip your lid (informal) 发火;气得丧失自制力;气得发疯to become very angry and lose control of what you are saying or doing 1. | [c] 轻抛;捻掷a small quick hit with a part of the body that causes sth to turn over |
| The whole thing was decided on the flip of a coin . 整个事情都是由掷硬币决定的。 |
2. | [c] 空翻a movement in which the body turns over in the air |
| The handstand was followed by a back flip. 先倒立,接着后空翻。 | | Her heart did a flip. 她心里咯噔了一下子。 |
3. | [sing] ~ through sth 浏览;草草翻阅a quick look through the pages of a book, magazine, etc. |
| I had a quick flip through the report while I was waiting. 我等待时迅速浏览了一下报告。 |
v. | 5. (用鞭)抽打;急速挥动(扇子等);急拉(鱼饵) 5. (用鞭)抽打;急速挥动(扇子等);急拉(鱼饵) | n. | 8. (加有香料的)饮料酒〔如啤酒、葡萄酒、苹果酒等〕 8. (加有香料的)饮料酒〔如啤酒、葡萄酒、苹果酒等〕 | adj. | |
v. | 1. to turn something over from one side to the other with a quick movement of the wrist, hand, or fingers 2. to move something with a small sharp quick motion 3. to throw or toss something carelessly and lightly 4. to turn the pages of a magazine or book quickly 5. to flick the edge of a coin with your thumb so that it spins in the air before landing 6. to become very angry or upset suddenly 7. to become excited over something that is pleasurable or attractive 8. to turn over quickly, or to make something turn over 9. to change suddenly from one subject, activity, or opinion to another 10. to change the position of something, or exchange the positions of two or more things 1. to turn something over from one side to the other with a quick movement of the wrist, hand, or fingers 2. to move something with a small sharp quick motion 3. to throw or toss something carelessly and lightly 4. to turn the pages of a magazine or book quickly 5. to flick the edge of a coin with your thumb so that it spins in the air before landing 6. to become very angry or upset suddenly 7. to become excited over something that is pleasurable or attractive 8. to turn over quickly, or to make something turn over 9. to change suddenly from one subject, activity, or opinion to another 10. to change the position of something, or exchange the positions of two or more things | n. | 1. the spin of a coin or other object as it is tossed or thrown 2. a turning of the body through 360 degrees by springing from the ground or while diving 3. an alcoholic drink containing beaten egg 4. an action of quickly hitting a small object with your fingers or thumb, especially so that it spins in the air 5. an action of jumping up and turning completely over in the air 1. the spin of a coin or other object as it is tossed or thrown 2. a turning of the body through 360 degrees by springing from the ground or while diving 3. an alcoholic drink containing beaten egg 4. an action of quickly hitting a small object with your fingers or thumb, especially so that it spins in the air 5. an action of jumping up and turning completely over in the air | adj. | 1. showing a lack of seriousness that is considered inappropriate 2. not serious enough, or not showing enough respect |