美 [fri]
英 [friː]
- adj.能随自己意愿的;随心所欲的;不受限制的;不受约束的
- v.释放;使摆脱;解除(或去除、清除);使可用(于某目的)
- adv.免费;脱离束缚
- 网络更自由;弗里尔;给予自由
比较级:freer 最高级:freest 第三人称单数:frees 现在分词:freeing 过去分词:freed
free time,free space,free trade,free access,free flow
free woman,free prisoner
completely free
不受控制not controlled
1. | 能随自己意愿的;随心所欲的not under the control or in the power of sb else; able to do what you want |
I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free. 我没有雄心大志,只求自由自在地过幸福生活。 | |
Students have a free choice of courses in their final year. 学生在最后一学年可以自由选修课程。 | |
You are free to come and go as you please. 你来去自由。 | |
‘Can I use the phone?’ ‘Please, feel free(= of course you can use it) .’ “我能用一下电话吗?”“请便吧。” |
2. | 不受限制的;不受约束的;言行自由的not restricted or controlled by anyone else; able to do or say what you want |
A true democracy complete with free speech and a free press was called for. 人们呼吁要有包括言论自由和新闻自由在内的真正民主。 | |
the country's first free election 该国的第一次自由选举 | |
They gave me free access to all the files. 他们让我自由查阅所有档案资料。 |
非囚犯not prisoner
3. | 自由的(不是囚犯或奴隶)not a prisoner or slave |
He walked out of jail a free man . 他获释出狱,成为自由人。 |
4. | 未拴住的;非关在笼中的not tied up or in a cage |
The researchers set the birds free . 研究人员把鸟放了。 |
不用付款no payment
5. | 不收费的costing nothing |
Admission is free. 免费入场。 | |
free samples/tickets/advice 免费样品╱票╱咨询 | |
We're offering a fabulous free gift with each copy you buy. 购买一册就可以得到一份免费好礼。 | |
You can't expect people to work for free(= without payment) . 你不能指望人无偿工作。 |
无阻碍not blocked
6. | 无阻碍的;畅通的clear; not blocked |
Ensure there is a free flow of air around the machine. 要确保机器周围空气畅通。 |
没有without sth
7. | ~ from/of sth 不含有害物的;不受…伤害(或影响等的)not containing or affected by sth harmful or unpleasant |
free from difficulty/doubt/fear 没有困难;不怀疑;不害怕 | |
free from artificial colours and flavourings 不含人工色素和人工调味料 | |
It was several weeks before he was completely free of pain. 过了几星期他的疼痛才完全消除。 |
8. | 没有…的without the thing mentioned |
virtually fat-free yogurt 几乎无脂的酸奶 | |
tax-free earnings 免税收入 | |
a trouble-free life 无忧无虑的生活 |
未固定;未缚住not attached/trapped
9. | ~ (of sth) 未固定的;未缚住的not attached to sth or trapped by sth |
Pull gently on the free end of the rope. 轻拉绳索松开的一端。 | |
They had to be cut free from their car after the accident. 事故后,得破开汽车把他们救出来。 | |
She finally managed to pull herself free. 她终于设法挣脱了。 |
未使用not being used
10. | 未使用的;空着的not being used |
He held out his free hand and I took it. 他伸出空着的一只手,我就抓住了。 | |
Is this seat free? 这个座位空着吗? |
不忙not busy
11. | ~ (for sth) 没有安排活动的;空闲的without particular plans or arrangements; not busy |
If Sarah is free for lunch I'll take her out. 如果萨拉有空吃午饭,我就带她出去吃。 | |
Keep Friday night free for my party. 把星期五晚上空出来,参加我的晚会。 | |
What do you like to do in your free time(= when you are not working) ? 你闲暇时喜欢干什么? |
乐于给予ready to give
12. | ~ with sth 随便给出的ready to give sth, especially when it is not wanted |
He's too free with his opinions. 他太随便发表意见了。 |
13. | 不拘泥原文的;(翻译)根据大意的;意译的afree translation is not exact but gives the general meaning |
Life was never going to be so free and easy again. 生活绝不会再那样无拘无束了。 |
free and easy
随便;无拘束;轻松;自由自在informal; relaxed
Life was never going to be so free and easy again. 生活绝不会再那样无拘无束了。 |
I was given a free hand in designing the syllabus. 我获准全权制订教学大纲。 |
get, have, etc. a free hand
可以全权处理;有自主权to get, have, etc. the opportunity to do what you want to do and to make your own decisions
I was given a free hand in designing the syllabus. 我获准全权制订教学大纲。 |
get, take, etc. a free ride
白白得到好处(因他人已代付款)to get or take sth without paying because sb else is paying for it
It's a free country; I'll say what I like! 这是个自由的国家,我想说什么就说什么! |
its a free country
(有人建议不应做某事时用于回答)这是个自由的国家used as a reply when sb suggests that you should not do sth
It's a free country; I'll say what I like! 这是个自由的国家,我想说什么就说什么! |
theres no such thing as a free lunch
(表示白得东西是不可能的)没有免费的午餐used to say that it is not possible to get sth for nothing
1. | ~ sb (from sth) 释放;使摆脱to allow sb to leave prison or somewhere they have been kept against their will |
By the end of May nearly 100 of an estimated 2 000 political prisoners had been freed. 至五月底,估计 2 000 名政治犯中有近 100 人已经获释。 | |
The hijackers agreed to free a further ten hostages. 劫持者同意再释放十名人质。 |
被困住的人╱物sb/sth trapped
2. | ~ sb/sth/yourself (from sth) 释放;使摆脱to move sb/sth that is caught or fixed on sth |
Three people were freed from the wreckage. 有三人被救出残骸。 | |
She struggled to free herself. 她挣扎着以求脱身。 |
去除某物remove sth
3. | ~ sb/sth of/from sb/sth 解除(或去除、清除)to remove sth that is unpleasant or not wanted from sb/sth |
These exercises help free the body of tension. 这些锻炼可使紧张的身体放松。 | |
The police are determined to free the town of violent crime. 警方决心消灭该城镇的暴力犯罪。 | |
The centre aims to free young people from dependency on drugs. 这个中心的宗旨是使年轻人解除对毒品的依赖。 |
使现成可用make available
4. | ~ sb/sth (up) 使可用(于某目的)to make sb/sth available for a particular purpose |
We freed time each week for a project meeting. 我们每周都腾出时间开一次项目会议。 | |
The government has promised to free up more resources for education. 政府保证调拨更多资源用于教育。 |
5. | ~ sb to do sth 使能腾出时间to give sb the extra time to do sth that they want to do |
Winning the prize freed him to paint full-time. 获奖使他能腾出时间整天作画。 |
不需付款without payment
1. | 免费without payment |
Children under five travel free. 五岁以下儿童免费乘坐。 |
未困住not trapped
2. | 脱离束缚away from or out of a position in which sb/sth is stuck or trapped |
The wagon broke free from the train. 这节货车车厢脱离了列车。 |
make free with sth
任意使用他人物品to use sth a lot, even though it does not belong to you
run free
四处自由走动;未关起来;未受束缚to be allowed to go where it likes; not tied to anything or kept in a cage