释义 |
fussed是fuss的过去分词 - n.激动;大惊小怪;吹捧;大惊小怪的人
- v.大惊小怪;烦恼;抱怨;唠叨
- 网络融合课程
第三人称单数:fusses 现在分词:fussing 过去分词:fussed v. worry,fret,stew,bother,niggle n. commotion,excitement,activity,concern,trouble n. | | v. | 1. 忙乱,大惊小怪,小题大做。 (不停地,东转西转地)忙忙碌碌 1. 忙乱,大惊小怪,小题大做。 (不停地,东转西转地)忙忙碌碌 |
n. | 1. activity that is needlessly or excessively busy or excited 2. excessive concern over details or trivial matters 3. a complaint or protestation, often over something insignificant 4. a noisy disagreement or dispute 5. an excited or abundant display of affection or affectionate concern 6. decoration or ornamentation regarded as excessive 7. a lot of unnecessary worry or excitement about something 1. activity that is needlessly or excessively busy or excited 2. excessive concern over details or trivial matters 3. a complaint or protestation, often over something insignificant 4. a noisy disagreement or dispute 5. an excited or abundant display of affection or affectionate concern 6. decoration or ornamentation regarded as excessive 7. a lot of unnecessary worry or excitement about something | v. | 1. to be too concerned about details or trivial matters 2. to keep moving or touching something busily, nervously, or aimlessly 3. to behave in a way that shows you are nervous or worried, especially about unimportant things 4. to touch or handle something continuously in a nervous way 5. to make someone feel worried and nervous 1. to be too concerned about details or trivial matters 2. to keep moving or touching something busily, nervously, or aimlessly 3. to behave in a way that shows you are nervous or worried, especially about unimportant things 4. to touch or handle something continuously in a nervous way 5. to make someone feel worried and nervous |