美 ['dʒen(ə)rəl]
英 ['dʒen(ə)rəl]
- n.将军;(陆军、海军陆战队或美国空军)上将
- adj.全体的;普遍的;总的;正常的
- 网络一般;常规;通用
涉及全部affecting all
1. | 全体的;普遍的;总的affecting all or most people, places or things |
The general opinion is that the conference was a success. 普遍认为这次会议是成功的。 | |
the general belief/consensus 普遍的信念╱共识 | |
books of general interest(= of interest to most people) 普遍感兴趣的书籍 | |
The bad weather has been fairly general(= has affected most areas) . 坏天气影响到的范围相当大。 |
2. | [ubn] 正常的;一般的;常规的normal; usual |
There is one exception to this general principle. 这个一般性原则有一例外。 | |
As a general rule(= usually) he did what he could to be helpful. 一般情况下他都尽力给予帮助。 | |
This opinion is common among the general population(= ordinary people) . 这是人们普遍的看法。 |
笼统not exact
3. | 概括性的;大体的;笼统的including the most important aspects of sth; not exact or detailed |
I check the bookings to get a general idea of what activities to plan. 我核查预订情况以便对计划安排些什么活动有个大体的想法。 | |
I know how it works in general terms . 我大致知道其中的运作原理。 | |
They gave a general description of the man. 他们对这个男人作了大致的描述。 |
4. | the ~ direction/area 大致的,大概的(方向或地区)approximately, but not exactly, the direction/area mentioned |
They fired in the general direction of the enemy. 他们向敌军大致的方向开了枪。 |
未限定not limited
5. | 非专门的;一般性的;普通的not limited to a particular subject, use or activity |
a general hospital 综合医院 | |
general education 普通教育 | |
We shall at this stage keep the discussion fairly general. 我们在此阶段应保持相当广泛的讨论。 |
6. | 整体的;全身的;全面的not limited to one part or aspect of a person or thing |
a general anaesthetic 全身麻醉 | |
The building was in a general state of disrepair. 整座建筑处于失修状态。 |
最高级别highest in rank
7. | [obn][aftern] 首席的;总管的highest in rank; chief |
the general manager 总经理 | |
the Inspector General of Police 警察总监 |
In general, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare. 日本汽车通常是很可靠的,发生故障的情况极少。 |
This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love life in particular. 这一年总体上对你们的关系,特别是你们的爱情生活是非常关键的。 |
in general
通常;大体上usually; mainly
In general, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare. 日本汽车通常是很可靠的,发生故障的情况极少。 |
总的说来;从总体上看as a whole
This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love life in particular. 这一年总体上对你们的关系,特别是你们的爱情生活是非常关键的。 |
1. | 将军;(陆军、海军陆战队或美国空军)上将an officer of very high rank in the army and the US air force ; the officer with the highest rank in the marines |
a four-star general 四星上将 | |
General Tom Parker 汤姆 ) 帕克将军 |