释义 |
- n.草;草地;牧草;青草
- v.(向警方)告密
- 网络格拉斯;草场;小草
复数:grasses 现在分词:grassing 过去分词:grassed adj.+n. green grass,long grass,tall grass,dry grass,lush grass v.+n. cut grass,grass grow,eat grass,mow grass,plant grass v. inform,betray,give away,snitch,squeal n. lawn,sward,grassland,meadow,pasture 1. | [u] 草;青草;牧草a common wild plant with narrow green leaves and stems that are eaten by cows, horses, sheep, etc. |
| | | The dry grass caught fire. 干草着火了。 |
2. | [c] 禾本科植物any type of grass |
3. | [sing][u] 草地;草坪;草场;牧场an area of ground covered with grass |
| | | Don't walk on the grass . 勿践踏草地。 | | Keep off the grass.(= on a sign) 请勿践踏草地。 |
5. | [c] (informal) 向警方告密的人(通常指罪犯)a person, usually a criminal, who tells the police about sb's criminal activities and plans |
IDM the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence) 草是那边绿;这山望着那山高said about people who never seem happy with what they have and always think that other people have a better situation than they have not let the grass grow under your feet (做事)不拖拉,不磨洋工to not delay in getting things done put sb out to grass (informal) 迫使(年老者)退休;让某人离职to force sb to stop doing their job, especially because they are old 1. | [i] (informal) ~ (on sb) (向警方)告密,告发to tell the police about sb's criminal activities |
n. | 8. 【植物;植物学】禾本科植物;草叶;〔俚语〕龙须菜,芦笋,蒿苣,(色拉中的)生菜 8. 【植物;植物学】禾本科植物;草叶;〔俚语〕龙须菜,芦笋,蒿苣,(色拉中的)生菜 | v. | |
n. | 1. a low green narrow-leaved plant that grows in fields and gardens, is eaten by animals such as cows and sheep, and is used to make lawns and playing fields 2. an area of grass such as a lawn or pasture 3. a plant with hollow jointed stems and long narrow, usually green leaves and tiny flowers arranged in spikes. Grasses include important food plants such as wheat, oats, barley, rice, rye, corn, millet, and sorghum as well as sugar cane and bamboo. 4. a green plant not related to the true grasses, e.g. cleavers or knotgrass 5. somebody who informs on somebody else, especially to the police 6. marijuana in the form of leaves or flowering buds 7. a person, usually a criminal, who tells the police what other criminals have done 1. a low green narrow-leaved plant that grows in fields and gardens, is eaten by animals such as cows and sheep, and is used to make lawns and playing fields 2. an area of grass such as a lawn or pasture 3. a plant with hollow jointed stems and long narrow, usually green leaves and tiny flowers arranged in spikes. Grasses include important food plants such as wheat, oats, barley, rice, rye, corn, millet, and sorghum as well as sugar cane and bamboo. 4. a green plant not related to the true grasses, e.g. cleavers or knotgrass 5. somebody who informs on somebody else, especially to the police 6. marijuana in the form of leaves or flowering buds 7. a person, usually a criminal, who tells the police what other criminals have done | v. | 1. to become covered with grass, or cause ground to become covered with grass 2. to inform on somebody, especially to the police 3. to put an animal into a pasture to feed on grass 4. to make an opponent fall to the ground 5. to tell someone in authority, especially the police, about something bad that someone else has done 1. to become covered with grass, or cause ground to become covered with grass 2. to inform on somebody, especially to the police 3. to put an animal into a pasture to feed on grass 4. to make an opponent fall to the ground 5. to tell someone in authority, especially the police, about something bad that someone else has done |