释义 |
grinds是grind的第三人称单数 - v.碾碎;磨碎;把…磨成粉;磨(粉);磨碎;碾成;转动;使苦恼
- n.磨;苦差使;刻苦;〈美〉刻苦用功的学生;令人疲劳(或厌倦)的工作;苦差事;刺耳的摩擦声
- 网络磨碎动作;折磨;品研部
过去分词:ground 现在分词:grinding 第三人称单数:grinds n. toil,chore,slog,tedium,routine v. crush,pulverize,break up,grate,rasp 食物;面粉;咖啡food/flour/coffee 1. | [t] ~ sth (down/up).~ sth (to/into sth) 磨碎;碾碎;把…磨成粉to break or crush sth into very small pieces between two hard surfaces or using a special machine |
| to grind coffee/corn 将咖啡╱谷粒磨成粉 |
2. | [t] ~ sth 磨(粉)to produce sth such as flour by crushing |
| The flour is ground using traditional methods. 这面粉是用传统方法磨制而成。 |
使锋利╱光滑make sharp/smooth 3. | [t] ~ sth 使锋利;磨快;磨光to make sth sharp or smooth by rubbing it against a hard surface |
| a special stone for grinding knives 专门磨刀用的石头 |
挤压进表层press into surface 4. | [t] 用力挤压,用力擦(入表层)to press or rub sth into a surface |
| He ground his cigarette into the ashtray. 他把香烟按在烟灰缸里捻灭。 | | The dirt on her hands was ground in. 她手上的泥渍住了。 |
摩擦rub together 5. | [i][t] 磨擦(发出刺耳声)to rub together, or to make hard objects rub together, often producing an unpleasant noise |
| Parts of the machine were grinding together noisily. 机器零件摩擦发出刺耳的声音。 | | She grinds her teeth when she is asleep. 她睡觉时磨牙。 | | He ground the gears on the car. 他把汽车排挡弄得嘎嘎作响。 |
机器machine 6. | [t] ~ sth 摇动手柄(操纵机器)to turn the handle of a machine that grinds sth |
| to grind a pepper mill 摇动胡椒磨 |
IDM bring sth to a grinding halt 使渐渐停下来to make sth gradually go slower until it stops completely | Production ground to a halt during the strike. 罢工期间生产渐渐陷入瘫痪。 |
grind to a halt|come to a grinding halt 慢慢停下来to go slower gradually and then stop completely | Production ground to a halt during the strike. 罢工期间生产渐渐陷入瘫痪。 |
乏味的活动boring activity 1. | [sing] (informal) 令人疲劳(或厌倦)的工作;苦差事an activity that is tiring or boring and takes a lot of time |
| the daily grind of family life 家庭生活中繁重的家务劳动 | | It's a long grind to the top of that particular profession. 爬到那种行业的最高位置要经过漫长的艰苦奋斗。 |
机器of machines 2. | [sing] 刺耳的摩擦声the unpleasant noise made by machines |
刻苦用功的人swot 3. | [c] (informal) 只知一味用功学习的人;书呆子a person who spends too much time studying |
v. | 1. to crush something into very small pieces by rubbing it between two hard surfaces, or be crushed in this way 2. to rub two surfaces together with a grating noise, or make a grating noise by rubbing things together 3. to push something down firmly or crush something on a surface with a twisting or rotating motion 4. to chop food, especially meat, into tiny pieces, using a mechanical device 5. to make something smooth or sharp by rubbing it against an abrasive surface 6. to move with a grating noise 7. to operate something such as a barrel organ by turning its handle 8. to study or work hard, especially too hard 9. to dance erotically with a circling and thrusting of the hips 10. in in-line skating, to ride on a surface of the skate that is not the wheel 1. to crush something into very small pieces by rubbing it between two hard surfaces, or be crushed in this way 2. to rub two surfaces together with a grating noise, or make a grating noise by rubbing things together 3. to push something down firmly or crush something on a surface with a twisting or rotating motion 4. to chop food, especially meat, into tiny pieces, using a mechanical device 5. to make something smooth or sharp by rubbing it against an abrasive surface 6. to move with a grating noise 7. to operate something such as a barrel organ by turning its handle 8. to study or work hard, especially too hard 9. to dance erotically with a circling and thrusting of the hips 10. in in-line skating, to ride on a surface of the skate that is not the wheel | n. | 2. a grating noise like that of something grinding 3. the texture of something that is ground 4. something that is routine, dull, and tedious 5. somebody who works or studies too hard 6. an erotic circling and thrusting of the hips in dancing 7. in in-line skating, an act of riding on a surface of the skate that is not the wheel 8. in skateboarding, a maneuver in which one or both axles are scraped on the top of a ramp or on an obstacle 9. something that is hard work, boring, and tiring because it takes a lot of your time and energy 2. a grating noise like that of something grinding 3. the texture of something that is ground 4. something that is routine, dull, and tedious 5. somebody who works or studies too hard 6. an erotic circling and thrusting of the hips in dancing 7. in in-line skating, an act of riding on a surface of the skate that is not the wheel 8. in skateboarding, a maneuver in which one or both axles are scraped on the top of a ramp or on an obstacle 9. something that is hard work, boring, and tiring because it takes a lot of your time and energy |