释义 |
handsome美 ['hænsəm] 英 ['hæns(ə)m] - adj.英俊的;漂亮的;有魅力的;健美的
- 网络帅;帅气;美观的
adj.+n. handsome face,handsome profit,handsome building,handsome majority | | | He's the most handsome man I've ever met. 他是我见过的最俊美的男子。 | | He was aptly described as ‘ tall, dark, and handsome ’. 他被恰如其分地描述为“高大黝黑、相貌堂堂”。 |
2. | 健美的attractive, with large strong features rather than small delicate ones |
| a tall, handsome woman 一位高个头的健美女子 |
3. | 美观的;悦目的beautiful to look at |
| a handsome horse/house/city 漂亮的马╱房子╱城市 | | The two of them made a handsome couple . 这对夫妻男俊女靓。 |
4. | 数量大的large in amount or quantity |
| | | He was elected by a handsome majority(= a lot of people voted for him) . 他以高票当选。 |
| She paid him a handsome compliment. 她大大赞扬了他一番。 |
adj. | 1. 帅,英俊,漂亮的;相貌出众;英俊潇洒;一表人材;器宇轩昂;仪表堂堂的 2. (一般指男子外貌)漂亮的,清秀的,俊美的;(用于女人指体态)优美的,端庄的,温雅的 1. 帅,英俊,漂亮的;相貌出众;英俊潇洒;一表人材;器宇轩昂;仪表堂堂的 2. (一般指男子外貌)漂亮的,清秀的,俊美的;(用于女人指体态)优美的,端庄的,温雅的 |
adj. | 1. with good-looking facial features or a pleasing general appearance 2. pleasingly large in extent or size 3. well-made or skillfully executed 4. of obvious high quality 5. a handsome man or boy has a very attractive face 6. a handsome building or place is large, attractive, and impressive 7. a handsome amount of money is large 8. a handsome victory is achieved easily and by a large amount 1. with good-looking facial features or a pleasing general appearance 2. pleasingly large in extent or size 3. well-made or skillfully executed 4. of obvious high quality 5. a handsome man or boy has a very attractive face 6. a handsome building or place is large, attractive, and impressive 7. a handsome amount of money is large 8. a handsome victory is achieved easily and by a large amount |