- n.荣誉;荣幸;尊敬;名誉
- v.尊敬;尊重;接受;给与…的光荣
- 网络荣耀;资质荣誉;荣誉资质
现在分词:honoring 过去式:honored 第三人称单数:honors
great honor
honor commitment,honor contract,deserve honor,give honor,defend honor
admire,carry out,esteem,fulfill,keep
v. | 1. 尊敬;尊重;给与荣誉,给与...的光荣;以...为荣;向...授勋礼遇 2. 接受;【商业】承认如期付款,承兑(票据),兑现 3. 使感到荣幸: 4. 对...表示敬意;纪念: 1. 尊敬;尊重;给与荣誉,给与...的光荣;以...为荣;向...授勋礼遇 2. 接受;【商业】承认如期付款,承兑(票据),兑现 3. 使感到荣幸: 4. 对...表示敬意;纪念: |
n. | 1. 荣誉,光荣;荣幸,优惠,优待;名誉,面子,体面 2. 节操,廉耻,正直;道义;贞操 3. 尊敬,敬意 4. 高位,高官;阁下〔英国主要用于尊称地方法官,美国用于尊称一般法官〕 5. 荣典,叙勋;徽章,勋章;敬礼式 6. (大学中的)优等成绩;给优等生开设的高级课程;〔英国〕优等成绩奖金 7. 纸牌中价值最高的牌 8. (高尔夫球的)先打权 9. 光荣的人,光荣的事〔与不定冠词连用〕 1. 荣誉,光荣;荣幸,优惠,优待;名誉,面子,体面 2. 节操,廉耻,正直;道义;贞操 3. 尊敬,敬意 4. 高位,高官;阁下〔英国主要用于尊称地方法官,美国用于尊称一般法官〕 5. 荣典,叙勋;徽章,勋章;敬礼式 6. (大学中的)优等成绩;给优等生开设的高级课程;〔英国〕优等成绩奖金 7. 纸牌中价值最高的牌 8. (高尔夫球的)先打权 9. 光荣的人,光荣的事〔与不定冠词连用〕 |
v. | 1. to have or show great respect and admiration for somebody or something 2. to recognize somebody publicly or elevate somebody's status officially, usually by giving that person a title or an award 3. to publicly praise somebody who has died and pay respects to him or her 4. to give prestige to somebody or something such as an occasion by choosing to appear, accompany, or take part 5. to accept a check or other financial instrument as money or as a substitute for money and pay it when it is due 6. to keep a promise, or fulfill the terms of an agreement or contract 7. to bow to another dancer in square dancing 8. to show your respect or admiration for someone, especially by giving them a prize or title, or by praising them publicly 9. to do what you said you would do or what you promised to do 10. respect highly 11. cause to feel honour;give an honour to 12. show respect to;treat with honour 1. to have or show great respect and admiration for somebody or something 2. to recognize somebody publicly or elevate somebody's status officially, usually by giving that person a title or an award 3. to publicly praise somebody who has died and pay respects to him or her 4. to give prestige to somebody or something such as an occasion by choosing to appear, accompany, or take part 5. to accept a check or other financial instrument as money or as a substitute for money and pay it when it is due 6. to keep a promise, or fulfill the terms of an agreement or contract 7. to bow to another dancer in square dancing 8. to show your respect or admiration for someone, especially by giving them a prize or title, or by praising them publicly 9. to do what you said you would do or what you promised to do 10. respect highly 11. cause to feel honour;give an honour to 12. show respect to;treat with honour |
n. | 1. strong moral character or strength, and adherence to ethical principles 2. great respect and admiration 3. personal dignity that sometimes leads to recognition and glory 4. somebody's good name or good reputation 5. somebody or something that brings respect or glory and is a source of pride to somebody or something else 6. something, e.g. a gift, award, or gesture, that signifies high achievement or respect 7. a special privilege that is cherished, e.g. an opportunity to be introduced to somebody admired or respected or an opportunity to serve a worthy cause 8. a code of integrity in some societies, e.g. in feudal Europe and medieval Japan, that men upheld by force of arms 9. the degree of dignity with which high positions such as the presidency are regarded by those elected to them and by the people they serve 10. in golf, the right to drive off first from the tee 11. a woman's virginity or reputation for chastity 12. used as a form of address to dignitaries such as judges and mayors 13. the respect that people have for someone who achieves something great, who is very powerful, or who behaves in a way that is morally right 14. the behavior of someone who has high moral standards 15. something you do that you are proud of 16. a prize that someone is given because they have achieved something important 1. strong moral character or strength, and adherence to ethical principles 2. great respect and admiration 3. personal dignity that sometimes leads to recognition and glory 4. somebody's good name or good reputation 5. somebody or something that brings respect or glory and is a source of pride to somebody or something else 6. something, e.g. a gift, award, or gesture, that signifies high achievement or respect 7. a special privilege that is cherished, e.g. an opportunity to be introduced to somebody admired or respected or an opportunity to serve a worthy cause 8. a code of integrity in some societies, e.g. in feudal Europe and medieval Japan, that men upheld by force of arms 9. the degree of dignity with which high positions such as the presidency are regarded by those elected to them and by the people they serve 10. in golf, the right to drive off first from the tee 11. a woman's virginity or reputation for chastity 12. used as a form of address to dignitaries such as judges and mayors 13. the respect that people have for someone who achieves something great, who is very powerful, or who behaves in a way that is morally right 14. the behavior of someone who has high moral standards 15. something you do that you are proud of 16. a prize that someone is given because they have achieved something important |