释义 |
- v.怒号;呼啸;怒吼;长嚎
- n.怒号;(狗、狼等的)嗥叫;(因疼痛、愤怒、高兴等发出的)喊叫声
- 网络嚎叫;霍尔;嚎哭
过去分词:howled 现在分词:howling 第三人称单数:howls n. wail,yowl,cry,scream,shriek 1. | [i] 长嚎;嗥叫to make a long, loud cry |
2. | [i] ~ (in/with sth) (因疼痛、愤怒、开心等)大声叫喊to make a loud cry when you are in pain, angry, amused, etc. |
| | | We howled with laughter. 我们放声大笑。 | | The baby was howling(= crying loudly) all the time I was there. 我在那里时孩子一直哭得很厉害。 |
3. | [i] 怒号;呼啸to blow hard and make a long loud noise |
| The wind was howling around the house. 狂风在房子四周呼啸。 |
4. | [t] ~ sth.+ speech 怒吼to say sth loudly and angrily |
| The crowd howled its displeasure. 群众不满地怒吼着。 |
1. | (狗、狼等的)嗥叫,长嚎a long loud cry made by a dog, wolf , etc. |
2. | (因疼痛、愤怒、高兴等发出的)喊叫声a loud cry showing that you are in pain, angry, amused, etc. |
| to let out a howl of anguish 发出痛苦的喊叫声 | | The suggestion was greeted with howls of laughter . 这个建议引起了阵阵大笑。 |
3. | (狂风的)啸鸣,怒号a long loud sound made when the wind is blowing strongly |
| They listened to the howl of the wind through the trees. 他们听着风在林间呼啸的声音。 |
v. | 1. to make a long wavering or whining sound 2. to cry out in pain, anger, or distress 3. to express an emotion or opinion loudly and forcefully 4. to laugh loudly and unrestrainedly 6. if a dog or similar animal howls, it makes a long loud sound 7. if the wind howls, it blows with a long loud sound 8. to say something in a loud angry voice 9. make a long loud mournful cry 10. utter or emit a long sound;yellorshout 1. to make a long wavering or whining sound 2. to cry out in pain, anger, or distress 3. to express an emotion or opinion loudly and forcefully 4. to laugh loudly and unrestrainedly 6. if a dog or similar animal howls, it makes a long loud sound 7. if the wind howls, it blows with a long loud sound 8. to say something in a loud angry voice 9. make a long loud mournful cry 10. utter or emit a long sound;yellorshout | n. | 1. a long sad wavering cry 2. a cry of pain, anger, or distress 3. a long loud high wavering noise 4. an extremely funny person or thing 5. the long loud sound that a dog or similar animal makes 6. a loud sound of laughing 1. a long sad wavering cry 2. a cry of pain, anger, or distress 3. a long loud high wavering noise 4. an extremely funny person or thing 5. the long loud sound that a dog or similar animal makes 6. a loud sound of laughing |