释义 |
invisible美 [ɪn'vɪzəb(ə)l] 英 [ɪn'vɪzəb(ə)l] - adj.看不见的;隐形的;无形的(与服务而非商品有关)
- n.看不见的人[物]
- 网络不可见;不可见的;隐身
adj.+n. invisible hand,invisible trade adj. visible,obvious,palpable adj. imperceptible,unseen,indistinguishable,indiscernible,undetectable 1. | 看不见的;隐形的that cannot be seen |
| a wizard who could make himself invisible 能隐身的术士 | | She felt invisible in the crowd. 她觉得自己淹没在人群中。 | | stars invisible to the naked eye 肉眼看不见的星球 |
2. | 无形的(与服务而非商品有关)connected with a service that a country provides, such as banks or tourism , rather than goods |
adj. | | n. | 2. 看不见的人[物]。【宗教】幽冥世界,冥界;神,上帝 |
adj. | 1. not able to be seen with the eyes 3. impossible to see as a result of magic or pseudo-scientific processes 4. not readily noticed or detected 5. not reflected, recorded, or reported in economic statistics 6. something that is invisible cannot be seen 7. a country’s invisible income is money that it earns from services rather than from selling goods 8. not officially recognized or fairly represented 9. not physically existing but having a noticeable effect 1. not able to be seen with the eyes 3. impossible to see as a result of magic or pseudo-scientific processes 4. not readily noticed or detected 5. not reflected, recorded, or reported in economic statistics 6. something that is invisible cannot be seen 7. a country’s invisible income is money that it earns from services rather than from selling goods 8. not officially recognized or fairly represented 9. not physically existing but having a noticeable effect | n. | 1. an item not reported in a company's financial statement 2. somebody or something that is invisible | np. | 1. exports and imports such as financial and leisure services, as opposed to physical goods |