释义 |
- abbr.(=ionium)【化】放射性元素钍-230的符号
- n.【希神】爱莪;【天】木星的第二卫星
- 网络输入输出(Input and Output);木卫一;伊俄
n. | | un. | 1. 艾奥(阿耳戈国王Inachus 的女儿,宙斯将她变为小母牛,Hera察觉后使牛虻追其四处奔逃) 2. 【动物;动物学】大蚕蛾〔产于北美,后翅上有眼状斑,其幼虫的毛有毒,能螫人〕 |
n. | 1. in Greek mythology, the daughter of the river god Inachus, turned into a heifer by the god Zeus to protect her from the jealousy of his wife Hera 2. a large volcanically active satellite of Jupiter | abbr. | 1. British Indian Ocean Territory |