美 [əb'zɔrbd]
英 [əb'zɔː(r)bd]
- v.吸收;专心;吸附;吸引
- adj.全神贯注;专心致志;被…吸引住
- 网络全神贯注的;被吸收的;一心一意的
过去分词:absorbed 现在分词:absorbing 第三人称单数:absorbs
completely absorbed
v. | 1. 吸收 2. 并吞;合并;同化 3. 吸引(注意),使(精神)贯注 4. 忍受;承担(费用) 5. 占用(时间) 6. 理解(含义) 7. 沉浸;沉溺,沉醉 8. 吸住;吸引 9. 全神贯住,全神贯住地 10. 关切;记在心里 11. 花去;消耗 12. 承担 13. 学到 14. 默默地回味 15. 缓冲 16. 吞并 17. 吸取 18. 承受冲击 19. 吸音 20. 专心 21. 吸附 22. 吸能 1. 吸收 2. 并吞;合并;同化 3. 吸引(注意),使(精神)贯注 4. 忍受;承担(费用) 5. 占用(时间) 6. 理解(含义) 7. 沉浸;沉溺,沉醉 8. 吸住;吸引 9. 全神贯住,全神贯住地 10. 关切;记在心里 11. 花去;消耗 12. 承担 13. 学到 14. 默默地回味 15. 缓冲 16. 吞并 17. 吸取 18. 承受冲击 19. 吸音 20. 专心 21. 吸附 22. 吸能 |
v. | 1. to soak up a liquid or take in nutrients or chemicals gradually 2. to take up light, noise, or energy and not transmit it at all 3. to see, read, or hear something and understand it fully 4. to hold somebody's attention or occupy somebody's time completely 5. to incorporate something into a larger entity in such a way that it loses much of its own identity 6. to adapt to a changing situation without being adversely affected 7. to accept increased costs without passing them on to somebody else 8. to require something in considerable quantities, usually without significant results 9. to take in a gas, liquid, or other substance 10. to make a small group, organization, etc. become part of a larger one 11. to allow ideas, methods, etc. to become part of your own way of thinking or culture 12. to learn and understand new facts, so that they become part of your knowledge 13. to reduce the harmful effects of a physical force 14. if something absorbs you, it is so interesting or entertaining that it takes all your attention 15. to use or need a lot of something, especially money 1. to soak up a liquid or take in nutrients or chemicals gradually 2. to take up light, noise, or energy and not transmit it at all 3. to see, read, or hear something and understand it fully 4. to hold somebody's attention or occupy somebody's time completely 5. to incorporate something into a larger entity in such a way that it loses much of its own identity 6. to adapt to a changing situation without being adversely affected 7. to accept increased costs without passing them on to somebody else 8. to require something in considerable quantities, usually without significant results 9. to take in a gas, liquid, or other substance 10. to make a small group, organization, etc. become part of a larger one 11. to allow ideas, methods, etc. to become part of your own way of thinking or culture 12. to learn and understand new facts, so that they become part of your knowledge 13. to reduce the harmful effects of a physical force 14. if something absorbs you, it is so interesting or entertaining that it takes all your attention 15. to use or need a lot of something, especially money |