美 [dʒɑn]
英 [dʒɒn]
- n.厕所;茅房
- 网络约翰;约翰福音;约翰一书
n. | 1. 约翰〔男子名〕;使徒约翰〔耶稣十二门徒之一〕;(新约《圣经》中的)《约翰福音》 2. 厕所(尤指男用厕所) 3. 嫖客 4. (尤指受骗的)男人,家伙 5. 警察;侦探 6. 新兵 1. 约翰〔男子名〕;使徒约翰〔耶稣十二门徒之一〕;(新约《圣经》中的)《约翰福音》 2. 厕所(尤指男用厕所) 3. 嫖客 4. (尤指受骗的)男人,家伙 5. 警察;侦探 6. 新兵 |
un. | 1. 约翰(1.十二使徒之一,传统上被认为系《新约》第四部福音的作者;2.施洗者约翰,犹太先知) 2. 约翰(Augustus,1878—1961,英国油画家,版画家,以肖像画著称) 3. 约翰(John Lackland,1167?—1216,英王,在位期间1199—1216) |
n. | 1. a man who is a prostitute's customer 2. a book of the Bible, the fourth of the gospels in which the life and teachings of Jesus Christ are described, traditionally attributed to St. John. 3. a name for three books of the Bible, originally written as letters and traditionally attributed to St. John. 4. a toilet 1. a man who is a prostitute's customer 2. a book of the Bible, the fourth of the gospels in which the life and teachings of Jesus Christ are described, traditionally attributed to St. John. 3. a name for three books of the Bible, originally written as letters and traditionally attributed to St. John. 4. a toilet |