释义 |
- n.劳伦斯;E. O. Lawrence 劳伦斯
- 网络罗伦斯;陈浩伟;何猷龙
un. | 1. 劳伦斯(1.David Herbert,1885—1930,英国小说家;2.Ernest Orlando,1901—1958,美国物理学家,曾获1939年诺贝尔物理奖;3.Sir Thomas,1769—1830,英国画家 ;4.Thomas Edward,1888—1935,世称Lawrence of Arabia,英国考古学家,军人及作家) | n. | |
un. | 1. city in eastern Kansas, on the Kansas River, west of Kansas City and east of Topeka. It is home to the University of Kansas. 2. city in northeastern Massachusetts, on the north bank of the Merrimack River, southwest of Haverhill and northeast of Lowell. |