释义 |
master美 ['mæstər] 英 ['mɑːstə(r)] - n.硕士;主人;主宰;能手
- v.掌握;精通;控制(情绪);控制(动物或人)
- adj.灵巧的;最大的;最重要的
- 网络大师;主盘;硕士学位
复数:masters 现在分词:mastering 过去分词:mastered v.+n. master language,master skill,master process,master subject n. underling,pupil,initiate adj. chief,principal,main,major,leading v. conquer,overcome,subdue,grasp,learn n. controller,teacher,virtuoso 仆人of servants 1. | (男)主人,雇主a man who has people working for him, often as servants in his home |
| They lived in fear of their master. 他们惧怕主人,提心吊胆地过日子。 |
主宰person in control 2. | ~ of sth 主宰;主人;有控制力的人a person who is able to control sth |
| She was no longer master of her own future. 她已无法把握自己的未来。 |
有技能的人skilled person 3. | ~ (of sth) 能手;擅长…者a person who is skilled at sth |
| a master of disguise 精于伪装的人 | | a master of the serve-and-volley game 发球截击的高手 |
狗的主人dog owner 4. | 狗的男主人the male owner of a dog |
| The dog saved its master's life. 这条狗救了它的主人。 |
教师teacher 5. | (尤指私立学校的)男教师a male teacher at a school, especially a private school |
大学学位university degree 6. | 硕士学位(大学的中级学位;在苏格兰指初级学位)a second university degree, or, in Scotland, a first university degree, such as an MA |
| He has a Master's in Business Administration. 他获得了工商管理硕士学位。 |
7. | 硕士;有硕士学位的人a person who has a master's degree |
| a Master of Arts/Science 文科╱理科硕士 |
船长captain of ship 8. | (货船的)船长the captain of a ship that transports goods |
著名画家famous painter 9. | (已故)著名画家,绘画大师a famous painter who lived in the past |
| an exhibition of work by the French master, Monet 法国著名画家莫奈的作品展 |
原版录音╱磁带╱电影original record/tape/movie 10. | 母带;母片;原始拷贝a version of a record, tape, film/movie, etc. from which copies are made |
称谓title 11. | (对年龄小而不便称作“先生”的男孩的称谓;也用在信封等处的人名前)少爷,君a title used when speaking to or about a boy who is too young to be calledMr (also used in front of the name on an envelope, etc.) |
12. | (英国)校长,院长(in Britain) the title of the head of some schools and university colleges |
| the Master of Wolfson College 沃尔夫森学院院长 |
13. | (对宗教导师或领袖的称谓)大师,师父a title used for speaking to or about some religious teachers or leaders |
IDM be your own master/mistress 独立自主to be free to make your own decisions rather than being told what to do by sb else 学会;理解learn/understand 1. | ~ sth 精通;掌握to learn or understand sth completely |
| to master new skills/techniques 掌握新的技能╱技术 | | French was a language he had never mastered. 法语他一直没有学好。 |
控制control 2. | ~ sth 控制(情绪)to manage to control an emotion |
| She struggled hard to master her temper. 她竭力按住性子,不发脾气。 |
3. | ~ sth/sb 控制(动物或人)to gain control of an animal or a person |
熟练skilled 1. | ~ baker/chef/mason, etc. (描述精于某职业的人)熟练的,灵巧的,有技能的used to describe a person who is very skilled at the job mentioned |
最重要most important 2. | 最大的;最重要的the largest and/or most important |
| | | a master file/switch 主文件;总开关 |
n. | 4. 能手,名家,大师,〔特指〕名画家;名家作品;大家,名人 6. 〔常无冠词〕善能[长于、精通]…的人;胜者,征服者 9. 学生宿舍主任;【法律】助理法官;(英国皇室的)御马长官,宴务局长(等) 4. 能手,名家,大师,〔特指〕名画家;名家作品;大家,名人 6. 〔常无冠词〕善能[长于、精通]…的人;胜者,征服者 9. 学生宿舍主任;【法律】助理法官;(英国皇室的)御马长官,宴务局长(等) | v. | | adj. | |
n. | 1. especially formerly, a man in a position of authority, e.g. over a business or servants 2. a title sometimes prefixed to a boy's surname in formal circumstances 3. somebody or something controlling or influencing events or other things 4. a title used to address a man who is a religious leader or teacher 5. an abstract idea or force that is thought of as having control or influence 6. a man who owns or has control of a horse, dog, or other domesticated animal 7. somebody who is highly skilled in a trade or craft and is qualified to teach apprentices 8. in some games, a player who has reached a high level of achievement, especially in chess or bridge. 9. an original copy of something, e.g. a recording tape or a stencil, from which other copies can be made 10. somebody whose philosophy or religious belief has attracted followers 1. especially formerly, a man in a position of authority, e.g. over a business or servants 2. a title sometimes prefixed to a boy's surname in formal circumstances 3. somebody or something controlling or influencing events or other things 4. a title used to address a man who is a religious leader or teacher 5. an abstract idea or force that is thought of as having control or influence 6. a man who owns or has control of a horse, dog, or other domesticated animal 7. somebody who is highly skilled in a trade or craft and is qualified to teach apprentices 8. in some games, a player who has reached a high level of achievement, especially in chess or bridge. 9. an original copy of something, e.g. a recording tape or a stencil, from which other copies can be made 10. somebody whose philosophy or religious belief has attracted followers | v. | 1. to become highly skilled in something or acquire a complete understanding of it 2. to learn to control feelings or behavior 3. to break the will of a person or animal 4. to produce a master recording of something 5. to learn something thoroughly so that you know it or can do it very well 6. to manage to control something such as an emotion 1. to become highly skilled in something or acquire a complete understanding of it 2. to learn to control feelings or behavior 3. to break the will of a person or animal 4. to produce a master recording of something 5. to learn something thoroughly so that you know it or can do it very well 6. to manage to control something such as an emotion | adj. | 1. devised to operate on the broadest level 2. controlling the operation of everything or of all others 3. biggest or primary among several 4. used with the name of a job to show that someone has a great deal of experience and skill and can train other people 5. a master document, photograph, recording etc is one from which copies are made 1. devised to operate on the broadest level 2. controlling the operation of everything or of all others 3. biggest or primary among several 4. used with the name of a job to show that someone has a great deal of experience and skill and can train other people 5. a master document, photograph, recording etc is one from which copies are made |