释义 |
- n.米诺鱼(多种小型鱼类的总称);无足轻重的(小)公司
- 网络鲦鱼;鲤科小鱼;小鱼型
n. small fry,little man,little guy,spear carrier,nobody 1. | 米诺鱼(多种小型鱼类的总称)a very small freshwater fish |
2. | 无足轻重的(小)公司;不起眼的(小型)运动队a company or sports team that is small or unimportant |
n. | 1. a small freshwater fish of the carp family, commonly used as fishing bait. 2. a small silvery freshwater fish 3. a person or organization of relatively low status or little importance 4. a small fish that lives in rivers and lakes 5. an unimportant person or organization 1. a small freshwater fish of the carp family, commonly used as fishing bait. 2. a small silvery freshwater fish 3. a person or organization of relatively low status or little importance 4. a small fish that lives in rivers and lakes 5. an unimportant person or organization |