释义 |
n. slogan,saying,maxim,dictum,axiom 1. | 座右铭;格言;箴言a short sentence or phrase that expresses the aims and beliefs of a person, a group, an institution, etc. and is used as a rule of behaviour |
| The school's motto is: ‘Duty, Honour, Country’. 这所学校的校训是:尽责、知耻、爱国。 | | ‘Live and let live.’ That's my motto. “待人宽如待己”,这是我的座右铭。 |
n. | 1. (简明的)标语;座右铭,训言,(特指刻在盾上或徽章上的)箴言 5. (书籍卷首或章头引用的)题词,题句;【音乐】主题句 1. (简明的)标语;座右铭,训言,(特指刻在盾上或徽章上的)箴言 5. (书籍卷首或章头引用的)题词,题句;【音乐】主题句 |
n. | 1. a short saying that expresses a rule to live by 2. a short saying that forms part of a coat of arms and expresses something about the family or place whose coat of arms it is 3. a short quotation at the beginning of a piece of writing such as a book, a chapter of a book, or a poem, related in some way to its contents 4. a short statement that expresses something such as a principle or an aim, often used as a statement of belief by an organization or individual 1. a short saying that expresses a rule to live by 2. a short saying that forms part of a coat of arms and expresses something about the family or place whose coat of arms it is 3. a short quotation at the beginning of a piece of writing such as a book, a chapter of a book, or a poem, related in some way to its contents 4. a short statement that expresses something such as a principle or an aim, often used as a statement of belief by an organization or individual |