释义 |
nature美 ['neɪtʃər] 英 ['neɪtʃə(r)] - n.自然;本质;大自然;本性
- 网络性质;自然界;天性
adj.+n. human nature,true nature,essential nature,physical nature,real nature v.+n. understand nature,determine nature,ascertain nature,discover nature,study nature n. Mother Nature,countryside,natural surroundings,wildlife,flora 动植物plants, animals 1. | [u] 自然界;大自然all the plants, animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people |
| the beauties of nature 自然界中美好的东西 | | man-made substances not found in nature 自然界里找不到的人造物质 | | |
2. | [u] 自然;自然方式the way that things happen in the physical world when it is not controlled by people |
| the forces/laws of nature 自然力╱规律 | | Just let nature take its course. 就顺其自然吧。 | | Her illness was Nature's way of telling her to do less. 她的疾病是天意在告诉她不要太劳累。 |
性质character 3. | [c][u] 天性;本性;性格the usual way that a person or an animal behaves that is part of their character |
| It's not in his nature to be unkind. 他天生不会刻薄。 | | She is very sensitive by nature . 她生性很敏感。 | | We appealed to his better nature(= his kindness) . 我们设法唤起他的善良本性。 |
基本特征basic qualities 4. | [sing] 基本特征;本质;基本性质the basic qualities of a thing |
| the changing nature of society 不断变化的社会性质 | | It's difficult to define the exact nature of the problem. 很难给这个问题确切定性。 | | My work is very specialized in nature . 我的工作特点是非常专业化。 |
种类type/kind 5. | [sing] 种类;类型a type or kind of sth |
| books of a scientific nature 科学书籍 | | Don't worry about things of that nature. 别担心那类事情。 |
本性-natured 6. | 有…本性的;…性情的having the type of character or quality mentioned |
n. | 1. (物体的)本质,(人、动物的)天性,本性,性格,脾性;特质,特征,性质;品种,类别;(子弹等的)大小 2. 自然(现象),大自然;自然界;自然力;造化,造物主 8. 生命力;体力,活力,精力;本能的力量,冲动;肉体的要求 1. (物体的)本质,(人、动物的)天性,本性,性格,脾性;特质,特征,性质;品种,类别;(子弹等的)大小 2. 自然(现象),大自然;自然界;自然力;造化,造物主 8. 生命力;体力,活力,精力;本能的力量,冲动;肉体的要求 |
n. | 1. the physical world including all natural phenomena and living things 2. the forces and processes collectively that control the phenomena of the physical world independently of human volition or intervention, sometimes personified as a woman called "Mother Nature." 3. the countryside or the environment in a condition relatively unaffected by human activity or as the home of living things other than human beings 4. a type or sort of thing 5. the intrinsic or essential qualities of somebody or something 6. disposition or temperament in a person 7. the appearance or aspect of a person, place, or thing that is considered to reflect reality 8. a basic state of existence, untouched and uninfluenced by civilization 9. the natural and original condition of humankind, as distinguished from a state of grace 10. the patterns of behavior or the moral standards that are considered to be universally found and recognized among human beings 1. the physical world including all natural phenomena and living things 2. the forces and processes collectively that control the phenomena of the physical world independently of human volition or intervention, sometimes personified as a woman called "Mother Nature." 3. the countryside or the environment in a condition relatively unaffected by human activity or as the home of living things other than human beings 4. a type or sort of thing 5. the intrinsic or essential qualities of somebody or something 6. disposition or temperament in a person 7. the appearance or aspect of a person, place, or thing that is considered to reflect reality 8. a basic state of existence, untouched and uninfluenced by civilization 9. the natural and original condition of humankind, as distinguished from a state of grace 10. the patterns of behavior or the moral standards that are considered to be universally found and recognized among human beings |