释义 |
palest是pale的最高级 - n.桩;范围;栅栏;栅内;桩;栅栏;境界;境内;(栅栏)尖板条;围篱;范围;境内
- adj.灰白的;(颜色等)淡的;微暗的;柔弱无力的;灰白的;(颜色等)淡的;(光等)弱;柔弱无力的;灰白的;苍白的;白的;浅色的
- v.在…设围篱;使变苍白;用桩[栅]围住;使发暗;变得比平常白;变苍白
- 网络暗淡的;浅的;青白
复数:pales 过去分词:paled 现在分词:paling 比较级:paler 最高级:palest adj.+n. pale Moon,pale shade,pale sun n. stake,palisade,picket,pole,stick v. diminish,go white,lose color adj. light,pallid,colorless,faint 1. | 灰白的;苍白的;白的having skin that is almost white; having skin that is whiter than usual because of illness, a strong emotion, etc. |
| | | | | | | You look pale. Are you OK? 你气色不好,没事吧? | | The ordeal left her looking pale and drawn . 这场磨难使她看来苍白而又憔悴。 |
2. | 浅色的;淡色的light in colour; containing a lot of white |
| | | a paler shade of green 淡绿的色调 | | |
3. | 暗淡的;微弱的not strong or bright |
| the cold pale light of dawn 破晓时分的鱼白寒光 |
1. | [i] ~ (at sth) 变得比平常白;变苍白to become paler than usual |
| She(= her face) paled visibly at the sight of the police car. 她一看见警车,脸色就刷地变白了。 | | The blue of the sky paled to a light grey. 天空的蓝色渐变成了浅灰色。 |
IDM | Last year's riots pale in comparison with this latest outburst of violence. 去年的骚乱与最近这次暴乱相比,可说是小巫见大巫。 |
pale beside/next to sth|pale in/by comparison (with/to sth)|pale into insignificance 相形见绌;显得逊色to seem less important when compared with sth else | Last year's riots pale in comparison with this latest outburst of violence. 去年的骚乱与最近这次暴乱相比,可说是小巫见大巫。 |
IDM | His remarks were clearly beyond the pale. 他的话显然过分了。 |
beyond the pale 出格;出圈;越轨;令人不能容忍considered by most people to be unacceptable or unreasonable | His remarks were clearly beyond the pale. 他的话显然过分了。 |
n. | 9. 境界,范围;境内,栅内;【徽章】竖贯徽章中部的线条 9. 境界,范围;境内,栅内;【徽章】竖贯徽章中部的线条 | adj. | 5. (颜色等)淡的;微暗的,(光等)弱;柔弱无力的 5. (颜色等)淡的;微暗的,(光等)弱;柔弱无力的 | v. | |
n. | 1. a pointed slat of wood for a fence 2. the area of Ireland, based around Dublin, that was controlled by England from the 12th century until the final conquest of the entire country in the 16th century 3. a fence marking a boundary 4. a restricted area in Imperial Russia where Jews were allowed to settle 5. an area fenced in, or the boundary of a fenced-in area 6. a wide vertical band down the center of a shield 1. a pointed slat of wood for a fence 2. the area of Ireland, based around Dublin, that was controlled by England from the 12th century until the final conquest of the entire country in the 16th century 3. a fence marking a boundary 4. a restricted area in Imperial Russia where Jews were allowed to settle 5. an area fenced in, or the boundary of a fenced-in area 6. a wide vertical band down the center of a shield | adj. | 1. lacking color or intensity 2. unusually light in skin complexion because of illness, shock, or worry 3. producing or reflecting little light 5. light and not bright in colour 6. less impressive or not as good as before or when compared with someone or something similar 1. lacking color or intensity 2. unusually light in skin complexion because of illness, shock, or worry 3. producing or reflecting little light 5. light and not bright in colour 6. less impressive or not as good as before or when compared with someone or something similar | v. | 1. to surround an area with a fence 2. to become whiter or lose brilliance 3. to be or become less important, remarkable, or intense, especially in comparison with something more important or serious 4. to cause somebody or something to lose color or brilliance 5. if someone pales, or if their face pales, their skin becomes lighter because they are sick, shocked, or worried 6. to become lighter in colour 1. to surround an area with a fence 2. to become whiter or lose brilliance 3. to be or become less important, remarkable, or intense, especially in comparison with something more important or serious 4. to cause somebody or something to lose color or brilliance 5. if someone pales, or if their face pales, their skin becomes lighter because they are sick, shocked, or worried 6. to become lighter in colour |