释义 |
panel美 ['pæn(ə)l] 英 ['pæn(ə)l] - n.镶板;仪表盘;钣金;(衣服上的)镶条;板;【建】四分板;嵌板;镶板
- v.选定(陪审员);在…上嵌板子;在(衣服等上)嵌杂色条纹;镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰)
- 网络多片裙;伊尼德
复数:panels 现在分词:panelling 过去分词:panelled adj.+n. flat panel,advisory panel,independent panel,rectangular panel,takeover panel v.+n. create panel,set panel,form panel,establish panel,make panel n. board,team,piece,jury,pane 1. | [c] (门、墙等上面的)嵌板,镶板,方格板块a square or rectangular piece of wood, glass or metal that forms part of a larger surface such as a door or wall |
| One of the glass panels in the front door was cracked. 前门的一块方玻璃破裂了。 |
2. | [c] (车身的)金属板,钣金a piece of metal that forms part of the outer frame of a vehicle |
3. | [c] (衣服上的)镶条,嵌条,饰片a piece of cloth that forms part of a piece of clothing |
| The trousers have double thickness knee panels for extra protection. 这条裤子上有双倍厚的护膝片以加强保护。 |
4. | [cspv] 专家咨询组;(广播、电视上的)讨论小组a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about sth; a group of people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio |
| | | | | We have two politicians on tonight's panel. 今天晚上出席座谈会的有两位政界人士。 | | |
5. | [c] (汽车或其他机械的)控制板,仪表盘a flat board in a vehicle or on a piece of machinery where the controls and instruments are fixed |
| | | a control/display panel 控制╱显示面板 |
1. | [usupass] ~ sth 镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰)to cover or decorate a surface with flat strips of wood, glass, etc. |
| The walls were panelled in oak. 墙壁镶了橡木饰片。 | | a glass-/wood-panelled door 镶玻璃╱木板的门 |
v. | 3. 在…上嵌板子;在(衣服等上)嵌杂色条纹,在…上置鞍垫 3. 在…上嵌板子;在(衣服等上)嵌杂色条纹,在…上置鞍垫 | n. | 1. (广播或电视中)进行公开讨论会的小组;〔美国〕(大会中的)小组委员会;一组调查对象;(对一组对象进行的)典型调查 5. 面,板;【建筑】四分板,门窗材,幅板,板条;嵌板;镶板;方格;(木工)线板;【绘画】(代替画布的)面板上画的画 6. 【电学】配电盘,控制板;仪表盘;【军事】信号布板 8. 【法律】陪审员名单;全体陪审员,(合保险法规定的)地方健康保险医生名单 1. (广播或电视中)进行公开讨论会的小组;〔美国〕(大会中的)小组委员会;一组调查对象;(对一组对象进行的)典型调查 5. 面,板;【建筑】四分板,门窗材,幅板,板条;嵌板;镶板;方格;(木工)线板;【绘画】(代替画布的)面板上画的画 6. 【电学】配电盘,控制板;仪表盘;【军事】信号布板 8. 【法律】陪审员名单;全体陪审员,(合保险法规定的)地方健康保险医生名单 |
v. | 1. to furnish, cover, or decorate something with panels, especially wooden paneling for walls 2. to make a list of potential jurors or select a jury from such a list 3. to indict somebody for a crime 4. to cover a surface with flat pieces of wood, metal etc 1. to furnish, cover, or decorate something with panels, especially wooden paneling for walls 2. to make a list of potential jurors or select a jury from such a list 3. to indict somebody for a crime 4. to cover a surface with flat pieces of wood, metal etc | n. | 1. a flat rectangular piece of hard material that serves as a part of something such as a door or wall, often raised above or sunk in the surface 2. a section between two posts in a fence or gate 3. a vertical section of fabric sewn onto other such sections in a flowing garment or drapery 4. a thin piece of wood used as a surface for oil painting, or the painting on it 5. a section depicting a single scene in a comic strip 6. a section or surface of an airplane wing 7. a surface on which performance-measuring instruments such as gauges, dials, lights, and digital displays are clustered 8. the collection of lights, digital displays, and switches used to monitor and control the operation of a computer 9. a display of related information on a computer screen, often a list of options 10. a group of people who publicly discuss or judge something, usually in a situation where they sit in a row to face an audience or a competition arena 1. a flat rectangular piece of hard material that serves as a part of something such as a door or wall, often raised above or sunk in the surface 2. a section between two posts in a fence or gate 3. a vertical section of fabric sewn onto other such sections in a flowing garment or drapery 4. a thin piece of wood used as a surface for oil painting, or the painting on it 5. a section depicting a single scene in a comic strip 6. a section or surface of an airplane wing 7. a surface on which performance-measuring instruments such as gauges, dials, lights, and digital displays are clustered 8. the collection of lights, digital displays, and switches used to monitor and control the operation of a computer 9. a display of related information on a computer screen, often a list of options 10. a group of people who publicly discuss or judge something, usually in a situation where they sit in a row to face an audience or a competition arena |