释义 |
- n.补丁;小片;眼罩;色斑
- v.修补;打补丁;缝补
- 网络面片;斑块;修补程式
复数:patches 过去分词:patched 现在分词:patching adj.+n. bad patch,small patch,rough patch,bald patch,purple patch v. repair,cover,mend,strengthen,reinforce n. reinforcement,covering,square,area,spot 小块small area 1. | 色斑;斑点;(与周围不同的)小块,小片a small area of sth, especially one which is different from the area around it |
| a black dog with a white patch on its back 背上有一块白斑的黑狗 | | a bald patch on the top of his head 他头顶的秃块 | | damp patches on the wall 墙上的片片湿渍 | | |
小片材料piece of material 2. | 补丁;补块a small piece of material that is used to cover a hole in sth or to make a weak area stronger, or as decoration |
| I sewed patches on the knees of my jeans. 我在我的牛仔裤膝部打了补丁。 |
3. | 眼罩a piece of material that you wear over an eye, usually because the eye is damaged |
| He had a black patch over one eye. 他一只眼戴着黑眼罩。 |
4. | (制服上的)标记,标识a piece of material that you sew onto clothes as part of a uniform |
5. | 戒烟贴片a piece of material that people can wear on their skin to help them to stop smoking |
地块piece/area of land 6. | 小块土地;(尤指)菜地,果园a small piece of land, especially one used for growing vegetables or fruit |
7. | (informal) 工作地;熟悉的地区;家乡an area that sb works in, knows well or comes from |
| He knows every house in his patch. 他熟悉他那地区的每一座房子。 | | She has had a lot of success in her home patch . 她在自己的家乡地区真是成绩斐然。 |
艰难时刻difficult time 8. | (informal) 一段(艰难)岁月;一段(痛苦)日子a period of time of the type mentioned, usually a difficult or unhappy one |
| to go through a bad/difficult/sticky patch 经历艰难╱困难╱不幸的时期 |
计算机技术in computing 9. | 修补(程序);补丁a small piece of code(= instructions that a computer can understand) which can be added to a computer program to improve it or to correct a fault |
| Follow the instructions below to download and install the patch. 按照下面的说明下载并安装修补程序。 |
IDM be not a patch on sb/sth (informal) 远不如;远比…逊色to be much less good, attractive, etc. than sb/sth else 1. | ~ sth (with sth) 打补丁;缝补;修补to cover a hole or a worn place, especially in clothes, with a piece of cloth or other material |
| | | to patch a hole in the roof 修补屋顶的漏洞 |
v. | | n. | 2. 饰颜片,美人斑〔17、18世纪时女人贴在脸上增加美观或掩饰疤痕等的小绸片等〕;(害眼病时用的)眼罩;(伤口上的)敷裹,膏药 2. 饰颜片,美人斑〔17、18世纪时女人贴在脸上增加美观或掩饰疤痕等的小绸片等〕;(害眼病时用的)眼罩;(伤口上的)敷裹,膏药 |
v. | 1. to cover or mend a hole in something or to strengthen a weak place using cloth or a pasty substance 2. to make something by sewing together pieces of fabric 3. to fix or update software using a patch 4. to connect one telephone or radio caller with another or transfer a call to somewhere else 5. to cover a hole in clothes by sewing a patch over it 6. put a patch on;(of material)serve as a patch for 1. to cover or mend a hole in something or to strengthen a weak place using cloth or a pasty substance 2. to make something by sewing together pieces of fabric 3. to fix or update software using a patch 4. to connect one telephone or radio caller with another or transfer a call to somewhere else 5. to cover a hole in clothes by sewing a patch over it 6. put a patch on;(of material)serve as a patch for | n. | 1. a piece of material used to cover, strengthen, or mend a hole in something 2. a small area of something within a larger one 3. a small area of land used for growing a particular crop 4. an area under somebody's control or jurisdiction 5. a period of time in which a particular situation exists 6. a pad worn over an injured or missing eye 7. a piece of material used to cover a wound 8. a drug-impregnated adhesive pad worn on the skin to allow gradual absorption of the drug 9. a cloth badge sewn onto clothing as identification, a sign of rank, or to commemorate something 10. a fragment of program code made available to fix a bug in a software application or to add a new feature before an updated version of the application is released 1. a piece of material used to cover, strengthen, or mend a hole in something 2. a small area of something within a larger one 3. a small area of land used for growing a particular crop 4. an area under somebody's control or jurisdiction 5. a period of time in which a particular situation exists 6. a pad worn over an injured or missing eye 7. a piece of material used to cover a wound 8. a drug-impregnated adhesive pad worn on the skin to allow gradual absorption of the drug 9. a cloth badge sewn onto clothing as identification, a sign of rank, or to commemorate something 10. a fragment of program code made available to fix a bug in a software application or to add a new feature before an updated version of the application is released |