美 [ˈpɪrɪəd]
英 [ˈpɪəriəd]
- n.时期;阶段;时代;句点
- int.不用再说了;就是这样;就这么定了;用于强调已经没有讨论的必要
- adj.当时的;当年的;那个年代的
- adv.(用于句末,强调不再多说)到此为止
- 网络周期;句号;期间
same period,long period,early period,short period,initial period
experience period,enjoy period
时间长度length of time
1. | 一段时间;时期a particular length of time |
a period of consultation/mourning/uncertainty 磋商╱哀悼╱形势不明朗的期间 | |
The factory will be closed down over a 2-year period/a period of two years. 这家工厂将在两年内关闭。 | |
This compares with a 4% increase for the same period last year. 这个数字与去年同期的 4% 升幅相近。 | |
This offer is available for a limited period only. 这项优惠仅在限期内有效。 | |
All these changes happened over a period of time . 所有这些变化都是在一段时间内发生的。 | |
The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods . 目的是降低高峰时段的交通流量。 | |
You can have it for a trial period(= in order to test it) . 这东西你可以试用一段时间。 |
2. | (人生或国家历史的)阶段,时期,时代a length of time in the life of a particular person or in the history of a particular country |
Which period of history would you most like to have lived in? 你最喜欢生活在哪一个历史时期? | |
the post-war period 战后时期 | |
Like Picasso, she too had a blue period. 和毕加索一样,她也有过一段消沉时期。 | |
Most teenagers go through a period of rebelling. 大多数青少年都要经历一段叛逆期。 |
3. | 纪(地质年代,代下分纪,纪下分世)a length of time which is a division of an era . A period is divided into epochs . |
the Jurassic period 侏罗纪 |
4. | 节;学时;课any of the parts that a day is divided into at a school, college, etc. for study |
‘What do you have next period?’ ‘French.’ “你下一节是什么课?”“法语。” | |
a free/study period(= for private study) 自习课 |
5. | 月经;经期;例假the flow of blood each month from the body of a woman who is not pregnant |
period pains 痛经 | |
monthly periods 月经 | |
When did you last have a period ? 你上一次月经是什么时候? |
6. | 句点;句号the mark ( . ) used at the end of a sentence and in some abbreviations, for examplee.g. |