释义 |
- n.提货;好转;轻型货车;敞篷小货车
- adj.临时拼凑的;临时组织的
- 网络皮卡;拾音器;拾起
1. | [c] 轻型货车;敞篷小货车;皮卡货车a vehicle with low sides and no roof at the back used, for example, by farmers |
2. | [c] 偶然结识的调情者a person sb meets for the first time, for example in a bar, with whom they start a sexual relationship |
3. | [c] ~ (in sth) 改进;好转;改善an improvement |
| a pickup in the housing market 房市景气的好转 |
4. | [u][c] 接人;收取物品;提货an occasion when sb/sth is collected |
| Goods are delivered not later than noon on the day after pickup. 货物递送不迟于收件后的第二天中午。 |
5. | [c] (唱机的)唱头,磁头the part of a record player or musical instrument that changes electrical signals into sound, or sound into electrical signals |
6. | [u] (车辆的)加速能力a vehicle's ability to accelerate (= increase in speed) |
1. | [obn] 临时拼凑的;临时组织的often not planned in advance and that anyone who wants to can join in |
| A group of kids started a pickup game of basketball on the street outside. 一群孩子在外面开始了即兴街头篮球赛。 |
n. | 1. the ability of a vehicle to accelerate quickly 2. an improvement or increase 3. somebody met casually with the idea of developing a sexual relationship 4. somebody who hitchhikes 5. the taking of somebody into custody by a police officer 6. somebody or something that is moved from one place to another 7. in some sports such as baseball, the act of fielding a ball after it touches the ground 8. the raising, gathering, collection, or removal of something to be taken somewhere else 9. a device inside the tone arm of a record player that converts the stylus's vibrations into electrical signals that are converted into sound 10. an electromagnetic device that converts the vibrations from the strings of an electric guitar or other amplified instrument into electrical signals that are amplified into sound 1. the ability of a vehicle to accelerate quickly 2. an improvement or increase 3. somebody met casually with the idea of developing a sexual relationship 4. somebody who hitchhikes 5. the taking of somebody into custody by a police officer 6. somebody or something that is moved from one place to another 7. in some sports such as baseball, the act of fielding a ball after it touches the ground 8. the raising, gathering, collection, or removal of something to be taken somewhere else 9. a device inside the tone arm of a record player that converts the stylus's vibrations into electrical signals that are converted into sound 10. an electromagnetic device that converts the vibrations from the strings of an electric guitar or other amplified instrument into electrical signals that are amplified into sound | adj. | 1. informally organized on the spot and made up of or involving people available at the time 2. a pickup game is played by a group of people who do not always know each other, but suddenly decide they want to play together |