释义 |
plantation美 [plæn'teɪʃ(ə)n] 英 [plɑːn'teɪʃ(ə)n] - n.种植园;木材林地;人造林
- 网络栽植;农场;人工林
n. estate,farm,homestead,farmstead,manor 1. | 种植园,种植场(尤指热带国家种植咖啡、甘蔗、橡胶等的大庄园)a large area of land, especially in a hot country, where crops such as coffee, sugar, rubber, etc. are grown |
2. | 木材林地;人造林a large area of land that is planted with trees to produce wood |
| conifer/forestry plantations 针叶树林地;种植林 |
n. | 1. (热带及亚热带地方的)农场,种植园,菜园,橡胶园;〔英国〕造林地;栽植,造林 1. (热带及亚热带地方的)农场,种植园,菜园,橡胶园;〔英国〕造林地;栽植,造林 |
n. | 1. a large estate or farm, especially in a hot climate, where crops such as cotton, coffee, tea, or rubber trees are grown, usually worked by resident laborers 2. an area of land on which trees or crops are planted 3. a large group of cultivated plants, especially trees 4. a large landed estate in the southern United States 5. in former times, a colony or settlement 6. the act of colonizing a place 7. a large group of trees that are grown to be cut down for wood 1. a large estate or farm, especially in a hot climate, where crops such as cotton, coffee, tea, or rubber trees are grown, usually worked by resident laborers 2. an area of land on which trees or crops are planted 3. a large group of cultivated plants, especially trees 4. a large landed estate in the southern United States 5. in former times, a colony or settlement 6. the act of colonizing a place 7. a large group of trees that are grown to be cut down for wood |