释义 |
- n.层
- v.定时往来;定期行驶;(娴熟地)使用
- 网络厚度;层数;帘布层
过去分词:plied 现在分词:plying 第三人称单数:plies v. work,practice,use,work with,supply n. layer,thickness,tier,strand 1. | [i][t] 定时往来;定期行驶to travel regularly along a particular route or between two particular places |
| Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island. 渡船定时穿越狭窄的海峡驶向海岛。 | | Buses ply regularly to and from these places. 公交车定时往返于这些地方。 | | canals plied by gondolas and steam boats 有小划船和蒸汽船往来的运河 |
2. | [t] ~ sth (娴熟地)使用to use a tool, especially in a skilful way |
| The tailor delicately plied his needle. 裁缝精巧地飞针走线。 |
IDM ply your trade 从事工作;做事to do your work or business | taxis plying for hire outside the theatre 在剧院外招揽乘客的出租车 |
ply for hire/trade/business 招徕顾客;等生意to look for customers, passengers, etc. in order to do business | taxis plying for hire outside the theatre 在剧院外招揽乘客的出租车 |
1. | [u] (毛线、绳子、木板等的计量单位)股,层,厚a measurement of wool, rope, wood, etc. that tells you how thick it is |
| four-ply knitting yarn 四股毛线 |
v. | 7. (船、马车等)来往,来回兜揽(搬运员、船夫等)接客,等客 8. 拼命给…加(煤、柴等);硬逼人(吃菜等);死劝,硬要(提出质问等)攻击;缠扰 10. 赶,向前冲;【航海】逆风换抢;〔主诗〕(船)前进 7. (船、马车等)来往,来回兜揽(搬运员、船夫等)接客,等客 8. 拼命给…加(煤、柴等);硬逼人(吃菜等);死劝,硬要(提出质问等)攻击;缠扰 10. 赶,向前冲;【航海】逆风换抢;〔主诗〕(船)前进 | n. | |
v. | 1. to work at a trade or occupation, especially with diligence 2. to twist strands or fold layers together 3. to use something such as a tool or weapon in a diligent or skillful way 4. to offer goods or services for sale, especially regularly or as an occupation 5. to keep supplying somebody with something, especially in an insistent way 6. to keep subjecting somebody to something in an urgent and insistent way 7. to travel a route regularly, especially on water 8. to sail a boat on a zigzag course against the wind 9. to make a regular journey over a particular area or route 10. (formal)work with(an instrument) 1. to work at a trade or occupation, especially with diligence 2. to twist strands or fold layers together 3. to use something such as a tool or weapon in a diligent or skillful way 4. to offer goods or services for sale, especially regularly or as an occupation 5. to keep supplying somebody with something, especially in an insistent way 6. to keep subjecting somebody to something in an urgent and insistent way 7. to travel a route regularly, especially on water 8. to sail a boat on a zigzag course against the wind 9. to make a regular journey over a particular area or route 10. (formal)work with(an instrument) | n. | 1. a twisted single strand, especially of yarn or rope 2. a layer, sheet, or thickness of something such as wood or a tire |