美 [praɪs]
英 [praɪs]
- n.价格;代价;荣耀;赌注与赢款之间的差额
- v.定价;标上价目;(购买前)比较价格
- 网络价钱;报价;单价
复数:prices 过去式:priced 现在分词:pricing
high price,average price,reasonable price,good price,same price
pay price,lower price,reduce price,get price,set price
1. | [c][u] 价格;价钱;物价the amount of money that you have to pay for sth |
Boat for sale, price £2 000 小船,售价 2 000 英镑 | |
house/retail/oil/share prices 房屋╱零售╱石油╱股票价格 | |
to charge a high/reasonable/low price for sth 索要很高╱适中╱很低的价格 | |
The price of cigarettes is set to rise again. 香烟又要涨价。 | |
He managed to get a good price for the car. 他终于把汽车卖了个好价钱。 | |
rising/falling prices 攀升╱下跌的价格 | |
Can you give me a price for the work(= tell me how much you will charge) ? 请问做这件工作要多少钱? | |
I'm only buying it if it's the right price(= a price that I think is reasonable) . 只有价钱合理我才会买这东西。 | |
Children over five must pay (the) full price for the ticket. 五岁以上的儿童须买全票。 | |
How much are these? They don't have a price on them. 这些东西卖多少钱?它们都没有标价。 | |
It's amazing how much computers have come down in price over the past few years. 过去这几年,电脑的价格大大降低,简直令人惊讶。 | |
price rises/increases/cuts 价格上升╱提高╱降低 | |
a price list 价目表 |
2. | [sing] 代价the unpleasant things that you must do or experience in order to achieve sth or as a result of achieving sth |
Criticism is part of the price of leadership. 挨批评是当领导要付出的部分代价。 | |
Loneliness is a high price to pay for independence in your old age. 孤寂是老年独自生活要付出的高昂代价。 | |
Giving up his job was a small price to pay for his children's happiness. 放弃工作是他为子女幸福所付出的小小代价。 |
3. | [c] 投注赔率the numbers that tell you how much money you will receive if the horse that you bet on wins the race |
Six to one is a good price for that horse. 那匹马有六比一的赔率很不错。 |
We want peace at any price. 为了争取和平,我们不惜任何代价。 |
at any price
不惜任何代价;无论如何whatever the cost or the difficulties may be
We want peace at any price. 为了争取和平,我们不惜任何代价。 |
You can buy strawberries all year round, but at a price. 草莓一年到头都买得到,不过很贵。 |
He'll help you─at a price! 他会帮助你的,但要付出代价! |
at a price
以高价;花大钱costing a lot of money
You can buy strawberries all year round, but at a price. 草莓一年到头都买得到,不过很贵。 |
付代价involving sth unpleasant
He'll help you─at a price! 他会帮助你的,但要付出代价! |
beyond price
无价的;极宝贵的;极重要的extremely valuable or important
everyone has their price
重赏之下,必有勇夫;人皆有价;有钱能使鬼推磨you can persuade anyone to do sth by giving them more money or sth that they want
I wouldn't work for her again─not at any price! 我再也不替她做事了, 给多少钱也不做! |
not at any price
无论如何也不;给多少钱也不used to say that no amount of money would persuade you to do or to sell sth
I wouldn't work for her again─not at any price! 我再也不替她做事了, 给多少钱也不做! |
a price on sbs head
缉拿(或杀害)某人的悬赏金an amount of money that is offered for capturing or killing sb
They haven't yet put a price on the business. 他们还没有给这笔生意开价。 | |
You can't put a price on that sort of loyalty. 那样的忠心是无法用金钱衡量的。 |
put a price on sth
(为贵重物)定价,作价to say how much money sth valuable is worth
They haven't yet put a price on the business. 他们还没有给这笔生意开价。 | |
You can't put a price on that sort of loyalty. 那样的忠心是无法用金钱衡量的。 |
What price fame and fortune? 名利的代价何其大。 |
What price England winning the World Cup? 英格兰队夺得世界杯冠军,这可能吗? |
what price…?
(认为得不偿失)…不值得,…有什么用?used to say that you think that sth you have achieved may not be worth all the problems and difficulties it causes
What price fame and fortune? 名利的代价何其大。 |
(认为可能性不大)…可能吗,…不可能吧used to say that sth seems unlikely
What price England winning the World Cup? 英格兰队夺得世界杯冠军,这可能吗? |
1. | [usupass] 给…定价;为…作价to fix the price of sth at a particular level |
a reasonably priced house 定价合理的一座房子 | |
These goods are priced too high. 这些货品定价过高。 | |
The tickets are priced at $100 each. 每张票定价 100 元。 |
2. | ~ sth (up) (在商品上)标价,贴价格标签to write or stick tickets on goods to show how much they cost |
3. | ~ sth 比较…的价格to compare the prices of different types of the same thing |
We priced various models before buying this one. 我们比较了多种型号的价格以后才买了这一款。 |
price yourself/sth out of the market
因索价过高而无人问津to charge such a high price for your goods, services, etc. that nobody wants to buy them