释义 |
- n.卷筒;卷轴;卷盘;一卷胶卷(或金属丝、线等)
- v.踉跄;摇摇晃晃地挪动;蹒跚;感到震惊
- 网络旋转;绕
过去分词:reeled 现在分词:reeling 第三人称单数:reels n. roll,spool,cylinder,bobbin,roller v. lurch,stagger,totter,stumble,wobble 1. | 卷轴;卷盘;卷筒;一卷胶卷(或金属丝、线等)a round object around which you wind such things as thread, wire or film; a reel together with the film, wire, thread, etc. that is wound around it |
| | | a reel on a fishing rod 钓鱼竿上的绕线轮 | | reels of magnetic tape 磁带盘 | | | | The hero was killed in the final reel(= in the final part of the film/movie) . 主人公在电影的结尾部分被杀。 |
2. | 里尔舞(流行于苏格兰、爱尔兰或美国的一种轻快舞蹈,通常由两对或四对表演);里尔舞曲a fast Scottish, Irish or American dance, usually for two or four couples; a piece of music for this dance |
1. | [i] (+ adv./prep.) 踉跄;摇摇晃晃地挪动;蹒跚to move in a very unsteady way, for example because you are drunk or have been hit |
| I punched him on the chin, sending him reeling backwards. 我一拳击中他的下巴,打得他向后打了个趔趄。 |
2. | [i] ~ (at/from/with sth) 感到震惊;感觉心烦意乱to feel very shocked or upset about sth |
| I was still reeling from the shock. 我吓得依然晕头转向。 |
3. | [i] 似乎在不停旋转;仿佛天旋地转to seem to be spinning around and around |
| When he opened his eyes, the room was reeling. 他睁开眼睛时,房间似乎在不停地旋转。 |
n. | 2. 〔技〕卷线机,卷取机,绞车;带卷,钢筋;滚筒,鼓轮,拨禾轮,工字轮,转子,圆筒筛;摇纱机,沙框。 8. (苏格兰高地人的)双人对舞(曲);〔美国〕弗吉尼亚舞 9. 〔英国〕(钓丝的)卷轴,线框;(线、铁丝、胶片、纸、铅管等的)一卷;【机械工程】线轴;电缆盘,影片盘,磁带盘;(影片的)一盘,卷〔1000-2000英尺〕 2. 〔技〕卷线机,卷取机,绞车;带卷,钢筋;滚筒,鼓轮,拨禾轮,工字轮,转子,圆筒筛;摇纱机,沙框。 8. (苏格兰高地人的)双人对舞(曲);〔美国〕弗吉尼亚舞 9. 〔英国〕(钓丝的)卷轴,线框;(线、铁丝、胶片、纸、铅管等的)一卷;【机械工程】线轴;电缆盘,影片盘,磁带盘;(影片的)一盘,卷〔1000-2000英尺〕 | v. | 3. 蹒跚,摇摇晃晃,跌跌撞撞,趔趔趄趄,踉跄地走,歪歪斜斜地走 3. 蹒跚,摇摇晃晃,跌跌撞撞,趔趔趄趄,踉跄地走,歪歪斜斜地走 |
n. | 1. an unsteady or circling movement 2. a usually revolving wheel-shaped device around which something such as thread, film, or wire can be wound for storage 3. the amount of a material that a reel can hold 4. the amount of movie film stored on one reel 5. a winding device attached to a fishing rod that holds the fishing line and enables it to be cast and wound back 6. a lively Scottish folk dance in 2/4 time for sets of two, three, or four couples 8. the part of a fishing rod that you turn to make the line longer or shorter 9. an object shaped like a wheel that you put string, thread, wire, or film around in order to store it 10. a traditional scottish dance 1. an unsteady or circling movement 2. a usually revolving wheel-shaped device around which something such as thread, film, or wire can be wound for storage 3. the amount of a material that a reel can hold 4. the amount of movie film stored on one reel 5. a winding device attached to a fishing rod that holds the fishing line and enables it to be cast and wound back 6. a lively Scottish folk dance in 2/4 time for sets of two, three, or four couples 8. the part of a fishing rod that you turn to make the line longer or shorter 9. an object shaped like a wheel that you put string, thread, wire, or film around in order to store it 10. a traditional scottish dance | v. | 1. to move in a sudden and uncontrolled fashion, especially backward as if struck by a blow 2. to wind something such as thread or fishing line onto or off of a reel 3. to move unsteadily, staggering or swaying from side to side 4. to feel giddy or shocked and confused 5. to move or whirl around in circles 6. to move in a way that is not steady, for example because of being drunk 7. to move backwards quickly 8. be shaken(physically or mentally)by a blow,a shock,rough treat ment,etc. 9. become unsteady;give way;sway;stagger;waver 10. be in a whirl;be dizzy 1. to move in a sudden and uncontrolled fashion, especially backward as if struck by a blow 2. to wind something such as thread or fishing line onto or off of a reel 3. to move unsteadily, staggering or swaying from side to side 4. to feel giddy or shocked and confused 5. to move or whirl around in circles 6. to move in a way that is not steady, for example because of being drunk 7. to move backwards quickly 8. be shaken(physically or mentally)by a blow,a shock,rough treat ment,etc. 9. become unsteady;give way;sway;stagger;waver 10. be in a whirl;be dizzy |