释义 |
reviews是review的复数 - v.评论;回顾;审查;检查
- n.评论;回顾;复习;书评
- 网络综述;评述;评论鉴赏
复数:reviews 过去分词:reviewed 现在分词:reviewing adj.+n. critical review,brief review,comprehensive review,good review,favorable review v.+n. review policy,write review,review case,undertake review,review book adv.+v. carefully review,critically review n. publication,magazine,journal,appraisal,evaluation n. | | v. | 2. 再看,再阅,复阅;重行检查,再验查;检查;审查,观察 2. 再看,再阅,复阅;重行检查,再验查;检查;审查,观察 | un. | |
n. | 1. a report or survey of past actions, performance, or events 2. a journalistic article giving an assessment of a book, play, movie, concert, or other public performance 3. a magazine or journal that publishes reviews 4. another look at or consideration of something 5. a brief discussion of subject matter already learned, in preparation for a test 6. a formal military inspection 7. a formal military ceremony staged to honor a person or an occasion 8. a critical examination by a higher court of a decision taken by a lower court 9. the process of studying or examining a situation, policy, or idea again in order to decide whether it is suitable or satisfactory 10. an article in which someone gives their opinion of a play, book, art exhibition etc 1. a report or survey of past actions, performance, or events 2. a journalistic article giving an assessment of a book, play, movie, concert, or other public performance 3. a magazine or journal that publishes reviews 4. another look at or consideration of something 5. a brief discussion of subject matter already learned, in preparation for a test 6. a formal military inspection 7. a formal military ceremony staged to honor a person or an occasion 8. a critical examination by a higher court of a decision taken by a lower court 9. the process of studying or examining a situation, policy, or idea again in order to decide whether it is suitable or satisfactory 10. an article in which someone gives their opinion of a play, book, art exhibition etc | v. | 1. to examine something to make sure that it is adequate, accurate, or correct 2. to write a journalistic report on the quality of a new play, book, movie, concert, or other public performance 3. to consider, study, or check something again 4. to study for a test by looking over notes and course materials 5. to discuss or examine something again 6. to reexamine a judicial decision made in a lower court in order to consider whether it should be overturned 7. to make a formal inspection of a military force 8. to study your notes and course information again in order to prepare for a test. The British word is revise 9. to study or examine a situation, policy, or idea again in order to decide whether it is suitable or satisfactory 10. to write an article giving your opinion of a play, book, art exhibition etc 1. to examine something to make sure that it is adequate, accurate, or correct 2. to write a journalistic report on the quality of a new play, book, movie, concert, or other public performance 3. to consider, study, or check something again 4. to study for a test by looking over notes and course materials 5. to discuss or examine something again 6. to reexamine a judicial decision made in a lower court in order to consider whether it should be overturned 7. to make a formal inspection of a military force 8. to study your notes and course information again in order to prepare for a test. The British word is revise 9. to study or examine a situation, policy, or idea again in order to decide whether it is suitable or satisfactory 10. to write an article giving your opinion of a play, book, art exhibition etc |