释义 |
- v.搁置;把…放在架子(或搁板)上;倾斜;成斜坡
- 网络束之高阁;解雇;不予考虑
过去分词:shelved 现在分词:shelving 第三人称单数:shelves v. put on hold,defer,abandon,cancel,drop 1. | [t] ~ sth 搁置,停止(计划)to decide not to continue with a plan, either for a short time or permanently |
| The government has shelved the idea until at least next year. 政府决定把这个想法先放一放,至少推迟到明年再说。 |
2. | [t] ~ sth 把…放在架子(或搁板)上to put books, etc. on a shelf |
3. | [i] (+ adv./prep.) 倾斜;成斜坡to slope downwards |
| The beach shelved gently down to the water. 海滩缓缓地向下没入水中。 |
v. | 1. to descend with a flat, usually gradual slope 2. to put or store something on a shelf 3. to put something off until later, or set something aside 4. to dismiss or withdraw somebody or something from active service 5. to decide not to use something such as a plan or suggestion now, although you may use it later 6. to slope gradually downwards 1. to descend with a flat, usually gradual slope 2. to put or store something on a shelf 3. to put something off until later, or set something aside 4. to dismiss or withdraw somebody or something from active service 5. to decide not to use something such as a plan or suggestion now, although you may use it later 6. to slope gradually downwards |