释义 |
shined是shine的过去式 - v.照耀;发光;擦亮;反光
- n.光泽;光亮
- 网络使照耀;使发光;照射
过去分词:shone 现在分词:shining 第三人称单数:shines 过去式:shined n. sheen,polish,luster,lustre,gloss v. excel,stand out,glow,glimmer,glitter 1. | [i] 发光;反光;照耀to produce or reflect light; to be bright |
| The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky. 太阳在无云的天空中明亮地照耀着。 | | The dark polished wood shone like glass. 抛光后的深色木料像玻璃一样熠熠闪光。 | | Her eyes were shining with excitement. 她兴奋得两眼放光。 | | Excitement was shining in her eyes. 她眼里闪着兴奋的光芒。 |
2. | [t] ~ sth (+ adv./prep.) 把…照向;使…光投向to aim or point the light of a lamp, etc. in a particular direction |
| He shone the flashlight around the cellar. 他用手电筒往地窖各处照了照。 | | Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world's diminishing natural resources. 从事这场运动的人要使公众注意到世界上的自然资源日益减少。 |
3. | [t] ~ sth 擦亮;擦光to polish sth; to make sth smooth and bright |
| He shined shoes and sold newspapers to make money. 他靠擦鞋、卖报挣钱。 |
4. | [i] 出色;出类拔萃to be very good at sth |
| He failed to shine academically but he was very good at sports. 他学业不怎么样,但体育却棒极了。 | | She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades. 四十年间,她树立了一个忠诚服务的光辉榜样。 |
1. | [sing] 光亮;光泽the bright quality that sth has when light is reflected on it |
| a shampoo that gives your hair body and shine 一种能使头发浓密发亮的洗发剂 |
IDM take a shine to sb/sth (informal) 一眼就看上;一见钟情to begin to like sb very much as soon as you see or meet them take the shine off sth (informal) 使…黯然失色to make sth seem much less good than it did at first v. | 3. 亮晶晶,闪熠发光,闪闪发光,金光闪闪,炯炯发光 6. 突出,出风头,出人头地,大显身手,崭露头角,炫耀才华 3. 亮晶晶,闪熠发光,闪闪发光,金光闪闪,炯炯发光 6. 突出,出风头,出人头地,大显身手,崭露头角,炫耀才华 | n. | |
v. | 2. to be bright or reflect light 3. to direct the light emitted by something 4. to be very good at or do very well in an activity 6. to appear to have a specially bright or radiant quality as a result of good health or a strong positive emotion 7. to make something bright and gleaming by polishing it 8. if the sun shines, it produces a bright light and the weather is usually warm 9. to have a bright attractive appearance 10. if people’s eyes or faces shine, they look extremely happy or excited 2. to be bright or reflect light 3. to direct the light emitted by something 4. to be very good at or do very well in an activity 6. to appear to have a specially bright or radiant quality as a result of good health or a strong positive emotion 7. to make something bright and gleaming by polishing it 8. if the sun shines, it produces a bright light and the weather is usually warm 9. to have a bright attractive appearance 10. if people’s eyes or faces shine, they look extremely happy or excited | n. | 1. brightness or radiance emitted by a source of light 2. the bright or gleaming surface of something 3. an act of polishing something to make it shiny 4. the bright appearance that something such as wood, metal, or leather has when it is in good condition 1. brightness or radiance emitted by a source of light 2. the bright or gleaming surface of something 3. an act of polishing something to make it shiny 4. the bright appearance that something such as wood, metal, or leather has when it is in good condition | np. | 1. mischievous or amusing tricks played on somebody |