释义 |
sliders是slider的复数 - n.滑块;〔电信〕滑触头;游标;滑动装置
- 网络滑动条;旅行者-平行世界;滑尺
n. | 1. 〔机〕滑动器,滑子,滑块,滑板,滑座,滑触头,滑(动)触点,滑尺,游标,游柜,小油机;〔电信〕滑触头;游标 1. 〔机〕滑动器,滑子,滑块,滑板,滑座,滑触头,滑(动)触点,滑尺,游标,游柜,小油机;〔电信〕滑触头;游标 |
n. | 1. a control knob or lever that moves horizontally or vertically, e.g. to change the volume of a radio or CD player 2. somebody or something that slides 3. a fast pitch in baseball that curves outward from the side of the pitcher's throwing arm as it reaches the batter 4. in Scotland and Northern Ireland, a serving of ice cream between two wafers 1. a control knob or lever that moves horizontally or vertically, e.g. to change the volume of a radio or CD player 2. somebody or something that slides 3. a fast pitch in baseball that curves outward from the side of the pitcher's throwing arm as it reaches the batter 4. in Scotland and Northern Ireland, a serving of ice cream between two wafers |