释义 |
sovereigns是sovereign的复数 - adj.握有主权的;元首的;最高的;优秀的
- n.主权者;元首;主权国;〈英口〉金镑
- 网络与君主;主权者们;极好…至高无上的
n. ruler,monarch,king,queen,potentate n. | | adj. | 2. 至高无上的,无与伦比的,极其重要的,最高权威的 2. 至高无上的,无与伦比的,极其重要的,最高权威的 |
n. | 1. the ruler or permanent head of a state, especially a king or queen 2. a gold coin worth one pound, used in Britain between the early 17th and the early 20th centuries 3. an old unit of money in the form of a gold coin worth one pound | adj. | 1. self-governing and not ruled by any other state 2. having supreme authority or power 3. outstanding, e.g. in its excellence or effectiveness 4. a sovereign nation rules itself 5. used for referring to the highest power in a country, or to the person or institution that has the highest power 1. self-governing and not ruled by any other state 2. having supreme authority or power 3. outstanding, e.g. in its excellence or effectiveness 4. a sovereign nation rules itself 5. used for referring to the highest power in a country, or to the person or institution that has the highest power |