美 [spɔɪlz]
英 [spɔɪlz]
- v.破坏;宠坏;溺爱;变质
- n.战利品;赃物;掠夺物;成功所带来的好处
- 网络分赃;深刻地破坏;掠夺物战利品
1. | [t] ~ sth 破坏;搞坏;糟蹋;毁掉to change sth good into sth bad, unpleasant, useless, etc. |
Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. 天气不好,破坏了我们的露营旅行。 | |
Don't let him spoil your evening. 别让他搞得你一晚上不开心。 | |
The tall buildings have spoiled the view. 那些高楼大厦破坏了这一带的景致。 | |
Don't eat too many nuts─you'll spoil your appetite(= will no longer be hungry at the proper time to eat) . 别吃太多坚果,会影响你的食欲。 | |
spoiled ballot papers(= not valid because not correctly marked) 废选票 |
2. | [t] ~ sb 溺爱;娇惯;宠坏to give a child everything that they ask for and not enough discipline in a way that has a bad effect on their character and behaviour |
She spoils those kids of hers. 那几个孩子被她宠坏了。 |
3. | [t] ~ sb/yourself 善待;格外关照to make sb/yourself happy by doing sth special |
Why not spoil yourself with a weekend in a top hotel? 为什么不到顶级饭店度个周末,让自己享受享受呢? | |
He really spoiled me on my birthday. 我生日那天他真让我受宠若惊。 |
4. | [i] 变坏;变质;腐败to become bad so that it can no longer be eaten |
be spoiling for a fight
按捺不住想打架to want to fight with sb very much
spoil the ship for a haporth/hapennyworth of tar
因小失大to spoil sth good because you did not spend enough money or time on a small but essential part of it