释义 |
- adj.不易弯曲(或活动)的;硬的;挺的;僵硬的
- adv.非常;极其;(冻)僵;(冻)硬
- v.诈骗;不还钱;(尤指)不给小费
- n.死尸
- 网络僵直的;拘谨的;生硬的
复数:stiffs 过去分词:stiffed 现在分词:stiffing adj.+n. stiff competition,stiff resistance,stiff manner,stiff sentence,stiff examination adj. limp,lenient,easy,weak,relaxed n. body,dead body,corpse,cadaver,goner 不易弯曲╱活动difficult to bend/move 1. | 不易弯曲(或活动)的;硬的;挺的firm and difficult to bend or move |
| | | | | The windows were stiff and she couldn't get them open. 窗户紧,她开不了。 |
肌肉muscles 2. | 僵硬的;一动就疼的when a person isstiff , their muscles hurt when they move them |
| I'm really stiff after that bike ride yesterday. 昨天骑了那趟自行车,我觉得浑身酸痛。 | | I've got a stiff neck . 我脖子发僵。 |
混合物mixture 3. | 稠的;难搅动的thick and almost solid; difficult to stir |
| Whisk the egg whites until stiff. 把蛋清打成稠的。 |
困难;严厉difficult/severe 4. | 困难的;艰难的;严厉的;激烈的more difficult or severe than usual |
| It was a stiff climb to the top of the hill. 费了好大劲才爬到山顶。 | | The company faces stiff competition from its rivals. 公司遇到对手的激烈竞争。 | | The new proposals have met with stiff opposition . 新提案遭到强烈的反对。 | | There are stiff fines for breaking the rules. 违反规则要受重罚。 | | a stiff breeze/wind(= one that blows strongly) 强风 |
不友好not friendly 5. | 不友好的;生硬的not friendly or relaxed |
| The speech he made to welcome them was stiff and formal. 他那番欢迎他们的话讲得生硬刻板。 |
价格price 6. | (informal) 高昂的;过高的costing a lot or too much |
| There's a stiff $30 entrance fee to the exhibition. 展览会的入场费高达 30 元。 |
酒alcoholic drink 7. | [obn] 烈性的;酒精度数高的strong; containing a lot of alcohol |
IDM (keep) a stiff upper lip (面对痛苦或困境)不动声色,沉着而不外露to keep calm and hide your feelings when you are in pain or in a difficult situation 1. | (informal) 非常;极其very much; to an extreme degree |
| be bored/scared/worried stiff 非常厌烦╱害怕╱担心 |
2. | frozen ~ (冻)僵;(冻)硬very cold and hard because the water has become ice |
| The clothes on the washing line were frozen stiff. 挂在晾衣绳上的衣服冻硬了。 | | I came home from the game frozen stiff(= very cold) . 我看完比赛回到家里,都快冻僵了。 |
1. | 死尸the body of a dead person |
1. | (informal) ~ sb 诈骗;不还钱;(尤指)不给小费to cheat sb or not pay them what you owe them, especially by not leaving any money as a tip |
adj. | 1. (手足等)僵直的,僵硬的;〔俚语〕死而僵硬了的,死了的 2. 局促的,拘泥的,不自然的,不流畅的,生硬的;顽固的,执拗的,倔强的 7. (物价等)昂贵的;(需要)过高的,过多的;高昂的,极高的 8. 不灵便的,不易动的,黏牢了的(活塞);一动就痛的 1. (手足等)僵直的,僵硬的;〔俚语〕死而僵硬了的,死了的 2. 局促的,拘泥的,不自然的,不流畅的,生硬的;顽固的,执拗的,倔强的 7. (物价等)昂贵的;(需要)过高的,过多的;高昂的,极高的 8. 不灵便的,不易动的,黏牢了的(活塞);一动就痛的 | n. | |
adj. | 1. rigid, inflexible, or hard to move 6. strong or potent to the taste or in effect on the body 7. showing determination and resolve 8. higher than is justified or usual 9. rigidly formal or distant in manner 10. describes a ship or boat that is relatively stable in the water 1. rigid, inflexible, or hard to move 6. strong or potent to the taste or in effect on the body 7. showing determination and resolve 8. higher than is justified or usual 9. rigidly formal or distant in manner 10. describes a ship or boat that is relatively stable in the water | n. | 1. a person, especially somebody of a particular type 2. an offensive term for somebody regarded as unpleasant or excessively formal 3. an offensive term for a customer who leaves insufficient tips 5. something that is an utter failure 1. a person, especially somebody of a particular type 2. an offensive term for somebody regarded as unpleasant or excessively formal 3. an offensive term for a customer who leaves insufficient tips 5. something that is an utter failure | adv. | 2. in a stiff way or manner | v. | 1. cheat somebody out of money owed 2. to fail to pay somebody an amount due or expected 3. to not pay someone money that you owe them, especially by not leaving any money as a tip in a restaurant |