释义 |
- n.恶臭;难闻气味;吵闹;争吵
- v.有臭味;有难闻的气味;让人觉得很糟糕;令人厌恶
- 网络发出臭味;发臭;臭气
过去式:stank 过去分词:stunk 现在分词:stinking 第三人称单数:stinks v. reek,smell,hum,pong,whiff n. fuss,scandal,uproar,rumpus,commotion 1. | [i] ~ (of sth) 有臭味;有难闻的气味to have a strong, unpleasant smell |
| Her breath stank of garlic. 她嘴里有股大蒜味。 | | It stinks of smoke in here. 这儿有股烟味。 |
2. | [i] ~ (of sth) 让人觉得很糟糕;令人厌恶;似乎有不正当行为to seem very bad, unpleasant or dishonest |
| The whole business stank of corruption. 这件事从头到尾都有腐败嫌疑。 | | ‘What do you think of the idea?’ ‘I think it stinks .’ “你觉得这个主意怎么样?”“我觉得是个馊主意。” |
1. | [c][ususing] 恶臭;难闻气味a very unpleasant smell |
| the stink of sweat and urine 难闻的汗味尿味 |
2. | [sing] 吵闹;争吵a lot of trouble and anger about sth |
| The whole business caused quite a stink. 整件事引起了轩然大波。 | | We'll kick up a stink(= complain a lot and cause trouble) if they try to close the school down. 假如他们想关闭这所学校,我们就要大闹一场。 |
n. | 1. a strong and unpleasant smell 2. a scandal, fuss, or trouble 3. a situation in which people complain angrily about something | v. | 1. to have a very strong and unpleasant smell 2. to be very bad or worthless 3. to be despicably corrupt or dishonest 4. to have a large amount of an undesirable quality 1. to have a very strong and unpleasant smell 2. to be very bad or worthless 3. to be despicably corrupt or dishonest 4. to have a large amount of an undesirable quality |