美 [stəʊn]
英 [stəʊn]
- n.石;结石;宝石;岩石
- v.向…投石头;以石掷向;去除(水果的)硬核
- adj.石制的
- adv.石一般的
- 网络四通;石块;石材
复数:stones 过去式:stoned 现在分词:stoning
硬物质hard substance
1. | [u] 石头;石料;岩石a hard solid mineral substance that is found in the ground, often used for building |
Most of the houses are built of stone. 这些房子多数是用石头建造的。 | |
stone walls 石墙 | |
a stone floor 石地板 | |
a flight of stone steps 一段石台阶 |
2. | [c] 石块;石子a small piece of rock of any shape |
a pile of stones 一堆石块 | |
Some children were throwing stones into the lake. 几个孩子正朝湖里扔石头。 |
3. | [c] (加工成某形状为某用途的)石块a piece of stone shaped for a particular purpose |
These words are carved on the stone beside his grave. 在他的墓碑上刻着这样的话。 |
水果in fruit
4. | [c] 果核a hard shell containing the nut or seed in the middle of some types of fruit |
cherry/peach stones 樱桃核;桃核 |
体内in body
5. | [c] (膀胱或肾脏中的)结石a small piece of hard material that can form in the bladder or kidney and cause pain |
kidney stones 肾结石 |
重量单位measurement of weight
6. | [c] 英石(英国重量单位,相当于 6.35 千克或 14 磅)(in Britain) a unit for measuring weight, equal to 6.35 kg or 14 pounds |
He weighs over 15 stone. 他体重超过 15 英石。 | |
She's trying to lose a stone. 她试图减去一英石的体重。 |
People should remember that our proposals aren't set in stone. 人们应该记住我们的建议不是一成不变的。 |
carved/set in stone
不可改变;铁定;板上钉钉unable to be changed
People should remember that our proposals aren't set in stone. 人们应该记住我们的建议不是一成不变的。 |
leave no stone unturned
千方百计;想尽办法to try every possible course of action in order to find or achieve sth
We live just a stone's throw from here. 我们就住在附近。 | |
The hotel is within a stone's throw of the beach. 旅馆离海滩很近。 |
a stones throw
很近的距离;不远处a very short distance away
We live just a stone's throw from here. 我们就住在附近。 | |
The hotel is within a stone's throw of the beach. 旅馆离海滩很近。 |
扔石块throw stones
1. | [usupass] ~ sb/sth 向…扔石块;用石头砸to throw stones at sb/sth |
Shops were looted and vehicles stoned. 商店遭哄抢,车辆被砸坏。 | |
to be stoned to death(= as a punishment) 用石头砸死(一种刑罚) |
2. | ~ sth 去掉…的果核to remove the stone from the inside of a fruit |
stoned black olives 去核黑橄榄 |
stone the crows|stone me
(表示惊奇、震惊、气愤等)哎呀used to express surprise, shock, anger, etc.