释义 |
tagged是tag的过去分词 - n.标记;标签;标志;标牌
- v.给…加上标签;把…称作;给…起诨名
- 网络标记的;带标记;加标签
复数:tags 过去分词:tagged 现在分词:tagging v. mark,label,ticket,docket,identify n. tab,identifier,code,chip,device 1. | [c] 标签;标牌a small piece of paper, cloth, plastic, etc. attached to sth to identify it or give information about it |
| He put name tags on all his shirts. 他给自己所有的衬衣都缝上了标有姓名的签条。 | | a gift tag(= tied to a present) 礼品签 | | The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation. 警方利用电子跟踪器监视缓刑期间的青年罪犯。 |
2. | [c][ususing] 称呼;诨名a name or phrase that is used to describe a person or thing in some way |
| They are finally ready to drop the tag ‘the new Beatles’. 他们终于准备放弃“新披头士乐队”这一称谓。 | | The ‘lucky’ tag stuck for years. “幸运儿”这个诨名叫了好多年。 |
3. | [c] 附加语(为加强语气,如 Yes, I do 一句中的 I do)a word or phrase that is added to a sentence for emphasis, for exampleI do inYes, I do |
4. | [c] 标志;标记;标签;标识符a set of letters or symbols that are put before and after a piece of text or data in order to identify it or show that it is to be treated in a particular way |
5. | [c] (外国语的)语录,引语,格言,谚语a short quotation or saying in a foreign language |
| the Latin tag ‘Si vis pacem, para bellum.’(= if you want peace, prepare for war) 拉丁语格言:“欲要和平,辄需备战。” |
6. | [u] 捉人(儿童游戏)a children's game in which one child chases the others and tries to touch one of them |
7. | [c] (在公共场所涂鸦者用的)符号,名字a symbol or name used by a graffiti writer and painted in a public place |
1. | ~ sth/sb 给…加上标签to fasten a tag onto sth/sb |
| Each animal was tagged with a number for identification. 每只动物都系上了标有号码的小牌,以便辨认。 |
2. | ~ sb/sth as sth 把…称作;给…起诨名to give sb/sth a name that describes what they are or do |
| The country no longer wanted to be tagged as a Third World nation. 这个国家不愿意再被称为第三世界国家。 |
3. | ~ sth 加标识符(或标志、标记、标签)于to add a set of letters or symbols to a piece of text or data in order to identify it or show that it is to be treated in a particular way |
n. | 1. 标签;附笺,贴纸;(系在被监控的人或物上的)电子跟踪标签 3. (文章、演说终了时的)结束语;陈套语,(诗歌末尾的)叠句;(戏剧的)收场白 4. (花体字的)拖长的尾巴;〔美俚〕花笔涂画的留名〔用漆喷涂在公共场所墙上等的个人代号〕 5. (衣服上的)垂下物,附属物;带端的金属箍[包头] 6. (动物的)尾;(衣服等的)边,饰繸;(电缆等的)终端 1. 标签;附笺,贴纸;(系在被监控的人或物上的)电子跟踪标签 3. (文章、演说终了时的)结束语;陈套语,(诗歌末尾的)叠句;(戏剧的)收场白 4. (花体字的)拖长的尾巴;〔美俚〕花笔涂画的留名〔用漆喷涂在公共场所墙上等的个人代号〕 5. (衣服上的)垂下物,附属物;带端的金属箍[包头] 6. (动物的)尾;(衣服等的)边,饰繸;(电缆等的)终端 | v. | 1. 装金属箍(在带端);标记;加标签;加上(附加物),添加接连押韵 3. 〔美口〕(对车辆)放上一张停车票;(对开车者)给一张犯规通知 7. 〔美俚〕在(公共场所墙上等)喷涂留名;以花笔涂画装饰(场所等) 1. 装金属箍(在带端);标记;加标签;加上(附加物),添加接连押韵 3. 〔美口〕(对车辆)放上一张停车票;(对开车者)给一张犯规通知 7. 〔美俚〕在(公共场所墙上等)喷涂留名;以花笔涂画装饰(场所等) |
n. | 1. a children's game in which one player is chosen to chase the others and try to touch one of them. Anyone touched becomes "it" and is then the player who does the chasing. 2. a small piece of cloth, paper, plastic, or other material attached to something as a label or means of identification 3. in baseball, an instance of getting a runner out by touching him or her with the ball before he or she reaches the base 4. a plastic or metal tip attached to the end of a shoelace or cord to prevent it from fraying 5. in wrestling, an instance of touching a partner's hand in order to switch places 6. a small piece of a material hanging loosely or raggedly from the main piece 7. a label that describes a piece of data, e.g. to facilitate later retrieval or text formatting 8. an electronic device worn, usually on the ankle or wrist, by a convicted offender serving a sentence in the community to allow his or her movements to be monitored 9. a dirty matted lock of wool or hair in an animal's fleece or coat 10. a well-known or hackneyed quotation, often in Latin, usually intended to add dignity or weight to a speech or piece of writing 1. a children's game in which one player is chosen to chase the others and try to touch one of them. Anyone touched becomes "it" and is then the player who does the chasing. 2. a small piece of cloth, paper, plastic, or other material attached to something as a label or means of identification 3. in baseball, an instance of getting a runner out by touching him or her with the ball before he or she reaches the base 4. a plastic or metal tip attached to the end of a shoelace or cord to prevent it from fraying 5. in wrestling, an instance of touching a partner's hand in order to switch places 6. a small piece of a material hanging loosely or raggedly from the main piece 7. a label that describes a piece of data, e.g. to facilitate later retrieval or text formatting 8. an electronic device worn, usually on the ankle or wrist, by a convicted offender serving a sentence in the community to allow his or her movements to be monitored 9. a dirty matted lock of wool or hair in an animal's fleece or coat 10. a well-known or hackneyed quotation, often in Latin, usually intended to add dignity or weight to a speech or piece of writing | v. | 1. in the children's game of tag, to touch a player making that player "it" 2. to attach a tag to something or label something with a tag 3. in baseball, to get a runner out by touching him or her with the ball before he or she reaches the base 4. to add an additional piece or section to the end of something, especially a piece of writing 5. in tag wrestling, to touch the hand of a partner in order to switch places 6. to give somebody a nickname, or assign a verbal label to somebody 7. to make an offender wear an electronic tag 8. to charge somebody with a crime 9. to put unrhymed verse or prose into rhyme 10. to remove tags from the fleece or coat of an animal 1. in the children's game of tag, to touch a player making that player "it" 2. to attach a tag to something or label something with a tag 3. in baseball, to get a runner out by touching him or her with the ball before he or she reaches the base 4. to add an additional piece or section to the end of something, especially a piece of writing 5. in tag wrestling, to touch the hand of a partner in order to switch places 6. to give somebody a nickname, or assign a verbal label to somebody 7. to make an offender wear an electronic tag 8. to charge somebody with a crime 9. to put unrhymed verse or prose into rhyme 10. to remove tags from the fleece or coat of an animal |