释义 |
- n.尾;尾巴;尾部;燕尾服
- v.跟踪;尾随;盯梢
- adj.限定继承的
- 网络尾状物;彗尾;尾端
复数:tails 过去分词:tailed 现在分词:tailing 鸟兽;鱼of bird/animal/fish 1. | [c] 尾;尾巴the part that sticks out and can be moved at the back of the body of a bird, an animal or a fish |
| The dog ran up, wagging its tail. 那条狗摇着尾巴跑上前去。 | | The male has beautiful tail feathers. 雄鸟有美丽的尾羽。 |
有…尾巴-tailed 2. | 有…尾巴的having the type of tail mentioned |
飞机;宇宙飞船of plane/spacecraft 3. | [c] 尾部;后部the back part of a plane, spacecraft , etc. |
后部;末尾back/end of sth 4. | [c] ~ (of sth) 尾状后部;尾状物a part of sth that sticks out at the back like a tail |
5. | [c] ~ (of sth) (离去事物的)末尾部分the last part of sth that is moving away from you |
| the tail of the procession 游行队伍的末尾 |
上衣jacket 6. | [pl] 燕尾服;男式晚礼服a long jacket divided at the back below the waist into two pieces that become narrower at the bottom, worn by men at very formal events |
| The men all wore top hat and tails. 男士都头戴高顶礼帽,身穿晚礼服。 |
硬币的面side of coin 7. | [u] 硬币反面,硬币文面(没有头像的一面)the side of a coin that does not have a picture of the head of a person on it, used as one choice when a coin is tossed to decide sth |
跟踪者person who follows sb 8. | [c] (informal) 盯梢人;暗探a person who is sent to follow sb secretly and find out information about where that person goes, what they do, etc. |
| The police have put a tail on him . 警方已派人对他进行盯梢。 |
IDM on sbs tail (informal) (尤指开车)盯梢,尾随following behind sb very closely, especially in a car the tail (is) wagging the dog (用以描述次要部分影响和支配主要部分)主次颠倒,喧宾夺主used to describe a situation in which the most important aspect is being influenced and controlled by sb/sth that is not as important turn tail (危急时刻)转身逃跑,逃逸,临阵脱逃to run away from a fight or dangerous situation with your tail between your legs (informal) 无地自容;垂头丧气;灰溜溜feeling ashamed or unhappy because you have been defeated or punished 1. | ~ sb 跟踪;尾随;盯梢to follow sb closely, especially in order to watch where they go and what they do |
| A private detective had been tailing them for several weeks. 私人侦探几个星期来一直在跟踪他们。 |
n. | 7. 【建筑】(瓦、石板等露出的)下部;【音乐】符尾;【航空】尾翼;尾面;【天文学】彗星尾;【印刷】(书页的)地脚 8. 随员,扈从;【军事】军属队伍;属员,跟在后面的人,晚辈;〔美俚〕尾随的侦探;(等候购物等)排成一行的人们,长蛇阵 7. 【建筑】(瓦、石板等露出的)下部;【音乐】符尾;【航空】尾翼;尾面;【天文学】彗星尾;【印刷】(书页的)地脚 8. 随员,扈从;【军事】军属队伍;属员,跟在后面的人,晚辈;〔美俚〕尾随的侦探;(等候购物等)排成一行的人们,长蛇阵 | v. | 1. 尾巴似地垂下,拖着尾巴;尾巴似的拖在后面;跟在后头,排成队;船尾搁浅(在暗礁上);(停泊时)把船尾掉向顺风[顺流]方面;(鱼)把尾巴露出水面 8. 装上(风筝)尾巴;添上,接上,连结上跟踪,尾随;〔口语〕切去尾巴,切去末端;(狗等)拖着尾巴;【建筑】(把材料的一端)嵌入 1. 尾巴似地垂下,拖着尾巴;尾巴似的拖在后面;跟在后头,排成队;船尾搁浅(在暗礁上);(停泊时)把船尾掉向顺风[顺流]方面;(鱼)把尾巴露出水面 8. 装上(风筝)尾巴;添上,接上,连结上跟踪,尾随;〔口语〕切去尾巴,切去末端;(狗等)拖着尾巴;【建筑】(把材料的一端)嵌入 | adj. | |
n. | 1. the flexible rear part, or a movable extension to the rear part, of a vertebrate animal's body that begins above the anus and often contains the terminal vertebrae 2. the rear, last, or lowest part of something 3. the rear part of an aircraft together with horizontal and vertical stabilizing surfaces attached to it 4. the rear part of a missile or bomb, including structures for controlling the angle of the trajectory 5. the reverse side of a coin 6. the luminous stream of gas and dust particles driven by the solar wind from a comet as it approaches and then recedes from the Sun 7. a line of people or things 8. a long lock or braid of hair 9. the bottom of a printed page, or the margin between the bottom of the page and the lowest line of type 10. either of two long panels at the back of a man's formal coat 1. the flexible rear part, or a movable extension to the rear part, of a vertebrate animal's body that begins above the anus and often contains the terminal vertebrae 2. the rear, last, or lowest part of something 3. the rear part of an aircraft together with horizontal and vertical stabilizing surfaces attached to it 4. the rear part of a missile or bomb, including structures for controlling the angle of the trajectory 5. the reverse side of a coin 6. the luminous stream of gas and dust particles driven by the solar wind from a comet as it approaches and then recedes from the Sun 7. a line of people or things 8. a long lock or braid of hair 9. the bottom of a printed page, or the margin between the bottom of the page and the lowest line of type 10. either of two long panels at the back of a man's formal coat | v. | 1. to follow somebody secretly in order to keep watch on him or her 2. to follow behind somebody or something 3. to form a long line when moving, especially a long spread-out line 4. to remove or cut short the tail of an animal 5. to remove the stalk from something such as a piece of fruit 6. to join two or more things end to end 7. to build one end of something such as a joist, beam, or brick, into a wall, or be fixed into a wall at one end 8. to lie with the stern pointing in a particular direction when moored 9. to follow someone secretly to see what they are going to do 10. follow sb.closely,eg.because he is suspected to be a criminal 1. to follow somebody secretly in order to keep watch on him or her 2. to follow behind somebody or something 3. to form a long line when moving, especially a long spread-out line 4. to remove or cut short the tail of an animal 5. to remove the stalk from something such as a piece of fruit 6. to join two or more things end to end 7. to build one end of something such as a joist, beam, or brick, into a wall, or be fixed into a wall at one end 8. to lie with the stern pointing in a particular direction when moored 9. to follow someone secretly to see what they are going to do 10. follow sb.closely,eg.because he is suspected to be a criminal | np. | 1. a formal, usually black coat for a man, cut short at the front and with two long panels at the back 2. full evening clothes for a man 3. the reverse side of a coin turned up after a toss |