美 [tæp]
英 [tæp]
- n.水龙头;轻拍;轻敲;轻叩
- v.开发;轻拍;轻敲;轻叩
- 网络水龙头接头
1. | [i][t] 轻敲;轻拍;轻叩to hit sb/sth quickly and lightly |
Someone tapped at the door. 有人轻轻叩门。 | |
He was busy tapping away at his computer. 他埋头敲着电脑键盘。 | |
Ralph tapped me on the shoulder. 拉尔夫轻轻地拍了拍我的肩膀。 |
2. | [t][i] ~ (sth) (用…)轻轻叩击if youtap your fingers, feet, etc. or theytap , you hit them gently against a table, the floor, etc., for example to the rhythm of music |
He kept tapping his fingers on the table. 他不停地用手指轻轻敲着桌子。 | |
The music set everyone's feet tapping. 乐曲使得每个人都用脚轻轻打起拍子来。 |
3. | [t][i] 利用,开发,发掘(已有的资源、知识等)to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists |
We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have. 我们需要利用我们现有人员的专业知识。 | |
The movie seems to tap into a general sentimentality about animals. 这部电影似乎在激发人们对动物的普遍怜惜之情。 |
4. | [t] ~ sth (在电话上)安装窃听器,搭线窃听to fit a device to a telephone so that sb's calls can be listened to secretly |
He was convinced his phone was being tapped. 他确信自己的电话在被人窃听。 |
5. | [t] ~ sth 在(树)上切口(导出液体)to cut into a tree in order to get liquid from it |
6. | [t][usupass] ~ sb 委任;指定(某人做某事)to choose sb to do a particular job |
Richards has been tapped to replace the retiring chairperson. 理查兹获得委任接替行将退任的主席。 |
7. | [t] ~ sth 发轻拍音to produce a tap |
1. | [c] 水龙头;旋塞a device for controlling the flow of water from a pipe into a bath/ bathtub or sink |
bath taps 浴缸水龙头 | |
the hot/cold tap(= the tap that hot/cold water comes out of) 热水╱冷水龙头 | |
Turn the tap on/off . 打开╱关上龙头。 | |
Don't leave the tap running. 别把水龙头开着白白流水。 | |
the sound of a dripping tap 水龙头滴答的漏水声 |
2. | [c] 龙头;旋塞a device for controlling the flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or container |
a gas tap 煤气阀门 | |
beer taps 啤酒旋塞 |
3. | [c] 轻击;轻拍;轻敲;轻叩a light hit with your hand or fingers |
a tap at/on the door 轻轻的叩门 | |
He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned round. 他觉得有人轻轻拍他的肩膀便转过身来。 |
4. | [c] 电话窃听;搭线窃听an act of fitting a device to a telephone so that sb's telephone calls can be listened to secretly |
a phone tap 电话窃听 |
5. | [u] 轻拍音a speech sound which is produced by striking the tongue quickly and lightly against the part of the mouth behind the upper front teeth. The in in American English and the in in some British accents are examples of taps . |
We have this sort of information on tap. 我们可随时向您提供这种资料。 |
on tap
可随时使用的available to be used at any time
We have this sort of information on tap. 我们可随时向您提供这种资料。 |
(啤酒)装在有旋塞的桶里的,散装的beer that ison tap is in a barrel with a tap on it
协商中;准备中;即将发生something that ison tap is being discussed or prepared and will happen soon