美 [eɪs]
英 [eɪs]
- n.A 纸牌(亦称“爱司”);擅长…的人;精于…的人;发球得分
- adj.第一流的;极好的
- v.在…中获得成功
- 网络配饰;网球;爱信
1. | A 纸牌(亦称“爱司”)a playing card with a large single symbol on it, which has either the highest or the lowest value in a particular card game |
the ace of spades/hearts/diamonds/clubs 黑桃╱红心╱方块╱梅花 A |
2. | (informal) 擅长…的人;精于…的人a person who is very good at doing sth |
a soccer/flying ace 足球╱飞行顶尖高手 | |
an ace marksman 神枪手 |
3. | 发球得分;爱司球a serve (= the first hit) that is so good that your opponent cannot reach the ball |
He served 20 aces in the match. 他在这场比赛中发了 20 个爱司球。 |
an ace up your sleeve
秘藏的王牌;撒手锏;锦囊妙计a secret advantage, for example a piece of information or a skill, that you are ready to use if you need to
hold all the aces
占尽天时地利人和to have all the advantages in a situation
play your ace
打出王牌;使出绝招to use your best argument, etc. in order to get an advantage in a situation
We came within an ace of victory. 我们差点儿赢了。 |
within an ace of sth/of doing sth
差一点儿;几乎very close to sth
We came within an ace of victory. 我们差点儿赢了。 |