美 ['θɪnɪŋ]
英 ['θɪnɪŋ]
- adj.薄的;细的;瘦的;稀少的
- v.使变淡;变稀疏;变稀少;(使)变稀薄
- adv.薄薄地
- n.细小部分
- 网络细化;打薄;打薄剪刀
dilution,weakening,watering down,watering
薄;细not thick
1. | 薄的;细的having a smaller distance between opposite sides or surfaces than other similar objects or than normal |
Cut the vegetables into thin strips. 把菜切成细条。 | |
A number of thin cracks appeared in the wall. 墙上出现了许多细裂缝。 | |
The body was hidden beneath a thin layer of soil. 尸体被埋在薄薄的一层土下面。 | |
a thin blouse(= of light cloth) 薄薄的女衬衫 |
瘦not fat
2. | 瘦的not covered with much flesh |
He was tall and thin, with dark hair. 他又高又瘦,满头黑发。 | |
She was looking pale and thin. 她面黄肌瘦。 | |
He is as thin as a rake(= very thin) . 他骨瘦如柴。 | |
thin legs 细腿 |
3. | 稀少的;稀疏的not growing closely together or in large amounts |
thin grey hair 稀疏的花白头发 |
4. | 稀薄的;淡的containing more liquid than is normal or expected |
The sauce was thin and tasteless. 这酱汁淡而无味。 |
5. | 能见度较高的;稀薄的fairly easy to see through |
They fought their way through where the smoke was thinner. 他们挣扎着从烟雾稀薄的地方逃了出去。 |
6. | 稀薄的;含氧少的containing less oxygen than normal |
7. | 微弱的;尖细的;有气无力的high and weak |
Her thin voice trailed off into silence. 她的声音越来越弱直至毫无声息。 |
8. | 不真心实意的;冷淡的not sincere or enthusiastic |
He gave a thin smile. 他淡然一笑。 |
9. | 微弱的;暗淡的not very bright |
the thin grey light of dawn 浅灰色的晨曦 |
劣质poor quality
10. | 质量差的;空乏的;拙劣的of poor quality; lacking an important quality |
a thin excuse(= one that people are not likely to believe) 站不住脚的借口 | |
Their arguments all sound a little thin to me. 他们的论据我听起来都觉得有点儿缺乏说服力。 |
be skating/walking on thin ice
履薄冰;冒风险to be taking a risk
disappear, vanish, etc. into thin air
消失得无影无踪;不翼而飞;悄然而逝to disappear suddenly in a mysterious way
have a thin time (of it)
遇到许多麻烦;过得不顺to have many problems or difficulties to deal with; to not be successful
out of thin air
凭空;无中生有地from nowhere or nothing, as if by magic
the thin end of the wedge
(不好的事物的)端倪,冰山一角an event or action that is the beginning of sth more serious and/or unpleasant
He's starting to get a little thin on top(= he's losing his hair) . 他开始有点谢顶了。 |
thin on top
头发稀疏;谢顶without much hair on the head
He's starting to get a little thin on top(= he's losing his hair) . 他开始有点谢顶了。 |
a thin skin
脸皮薄;顾及脸面the lack of ability to accept criticism, insults, etc. without becoming upset
1. | [t] ~ sth (down) (with sth) (掺水等)使稀薄,使变淡to make a liquid less thick or strong by adding water or another substance |
Thin the paint with water. 用水把颜料调稀。 |
毛发of hair
2. | [i] 变稀疏;变稀少to become less thick |
a middle-aged man with thinning hair 头发逐渐稀少的中年男子 |
变稀少become less thick
3. | [i][t] (使)变稀薄,变稀疏,变少to become less thick or fewer in number; to make sth less thick or fewer, for example by removing some things or people |
The clouds thinned and the moon shone through. 云层渐稀,透出了月光。 | |
The crowd had thinned out and only a few people were left. 人群渐渐散去,只剩下几个人。 | |
Thin out the seedlings to about 10cm apart. 把秧苗间成相隔 10 厘米。 |