美 [taɪ]
英 [taɪ]
- n.领带;联系;关系;束缚
- v.绑;束缚;捆绑;约束
- 网络结;纽带;连接
复数:ties 过去分词:tied 现在分词:tying
用线╱绳扎牢fasten with string/rope
1. | [t] ~ sth (+ adv./prep.) (用线、绳等)系,拴,绑,捆,束to attach or hold two or more things together using string, rope, etc.; to fasten sb/sth with string, rope, etc. |
She tied the newspapers in a bundle. 她把报纸扎成一捆。 | |
He had to tie her hands together. 他不得不把她的双手绑在一起。 | |
They tied him to a chair with cable. 他们用电缆把他绑在一把椅子上。 | |
Shall I tie the package or tape it? 我把这个包裹捆起来还是贴胶带? | |
I tie back my hair when I'm cooking. 我做饭时把头发束在后面。 |
2. | [t] ~ sth + adv./prep. 将…系在…上;束紧;系牢;捆绑to fasten sth to or around sth else |
She tied a label on to the suitcase. 她把签条系在衣箱上。 |
3. | [t] ~ sth (在线、绳上)打结,系扣to make a knot in a piece of string, rope, etc. |
to tie a ribbon 系丝带 | |
Can you help me tie my tie? 你能帮我打领带吗? | |
Tie up your shoelaces! 把你的鞋带系好! | |
I tied a knot in the rope. 我在绳子上打了个结。 |
4. | [i] (+ adv./prep.) 打结系牢;系上to be closed or fastened with a knot, etc. |
The skirt ties at the waist. 裙子在腰部束紧。 |
5. | [t][usupass] ~ sb/sth (to sth/sb) 连接;联合;使紧密结合to connect or link sb/sth closely with sb/sth else |
Pay increases are tied to inflation. 提高工资和通货膨胀紧密相关。 | |
The house is tied to the job, so we'll have to move when I retire. 这房子是为工作提供的,所以我退休后我们就得搬家。 |
6. | [t][usupass] 束缚;约束;限制to restrict sb and make them unable to do everything they want to |
to be tied by a contract 受合同的约束 | |
I want to work but I'm tied to the house with the baby. 我想工作,但却被孩子拴在家里。 | |
I don't want to be tied to coming home at a particular time. 我不想受按钟点回家的束缚。 |
比赛;竞赛in game/competition
7. | [i][t] 打成平局;得分相同to have the same number of points |
England tied 2–2 with Germany in the first round. 在第一轮比赛中英格兰队与德国队以 2:2 打成平局。 | |
They tied for second place. 他们并列第二名。 | |
The scores are tied at 3–3. 比分为 3:3 平。 | |
Last night's vote was tied. 昨晚的表决得票相同。 |
8. | [t] ~ sth 用延音联结线连接(音符)to join notes with a tie |
tie sb/yourself (up) in knots
(使)大惑不解,糊涂to become or make sb very confused
tie one on
喝醉;喝得烂醉to get very drunk
tie the knot
结婚;结成夫妻to get married
1. | 领带a long narrow piece of cloth worn around the neck, especially by men, with a knot in front |
a collar and tie 系着领带的硬领 | |
a striped silk tie 带条纹的真丝领带 |
捆扎for fastening
2. | 绳子;金属丝;线a piece of string or wire used for fastening or tying sth |
ties for closing plastic bags 封塑料袋用的捆扎绳 |
3. | [usupl] 联系;关系;纽带a strong connection between people or organizations |
family ties 家族关系 | |
the ties of friendship 友谊的纽带 | |
economic ties 经济联系 | |
The firm has close ties with an American corporation. 这家商行与一家美国公司关系密切。 |
4. | 束缚;约束;限制;牵累a thing that limits sb's freedom of action |
He was still a young man and he did not want any ties. 他还年轻,不想有任何束缚。 |
比赛;竞赛in game/competition
5. | 平局;得分相同;不分胜负a situation in a game or competition when two or more players have the same score |
The match ended in a tie. 这场比赛以平局结束。 |
6. | (尤指足球)淘汰赛a sports match, especially a football ( soccer ) match, that is part of a larger competition |
the first leg of the Cup tie between Leeds and Roma 利兹队和罗马队在杯赛淘汰赛中的第一轮比赛 |
7. | 延音线;延音连接线a curved line written over two notes of the same pitch (= how high or low a note is) to show that they are to be played or sung as one note |
铁路on railway
8. | (铁路)轨枕,枕木one of the heavy pieces of wood or concrete on which the rails on a railway/railroad track are laid |