释义 |
- n.垃圾;废物;谬论;劣质品
- v.损坏;毁坏;抨击;谴责
- 网络垃圾桶;垃圾箱;回收站
第三人称单数:trashes 现在分词:trashing 过去式:trashed n. nonsense,gibberish,rubbish,drivel,double talk v. wreck,destroy,ruin,damage,smash 1. | 废物;垃圾things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them |
2. | (informal) 劣质品;拙劣的作品;糟粕;谬论objects, writing, ideas, etc. that you think are of poor quality |
| What's this trash you're watching? 你看的这个乌七八糟的节目是什么? | | He's talking trash(= nonsense) . 他在胡说八道。 |
3. | (informal) 窝囊废;废物;没出息的人an offensive word used to describe people that you do not respect |
| white trash(= poor white people, especially those living in the southern US) 贫贱的白人 |
1. | ~ sth 损坏;毁坏to damage or destroy sth |
| The band was famous for trashing hotel rooms. 这帮人以破坏旅馆房间出名。 |
2. | ~ sth/sb 抨击;谴责to criticize sth/sb very strongly |
3. | ~ sth 丢弃;把…抛弃to throw away sth that you do not want |
| I'm leaving my old toys here─if you don't want them, just trash them. 我把我的旧玩具留在这里,你不要就扔掉好了。 |
n. | 2. 废料;垃圾;碎屑,修剪下来的枝叶;落叶;玉米秸(等);废烟叶;渣滓;不值钱的东西;劣货;粗制滥造的作品,无聊作品;废话;流氓无赖,社会渣滓 2. 废料;垃圾;碎屑,修剪下来的枝叶;落叶;玉米秸(等);废烟叶;渣滓;不值钱的东西;劣货;粗制滥造的作品,无聊作品;废话;流氓无赖,社会渣滓 | v. | 1. 摘(甘蔗的)叶;除去废料;〔美西部〕擦去;(表示反抗或反叛)捣毁,杀死,消灭 |
n. | 1. something spoken or written that is regarded as meaningless, absurd, or very inaccurate 2. literature or art considered worthless or offensive 3. discarded, unwanted, or worthless material or objects 4. an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody's social position or morals 5. twigs, branches, or leaves that have fallen or been trimmed from trees and plants 6. the dry refuse of sugar cane after it has been crushed for the juice, often used as fuel 7. waste material such as paper, plastic bags, used containers, etc. The British word is rubbish 8. an extremely insulting word for people who you think are dishonest, immoral, or badly educated 9. something that you think is of very bad quality, especially something such as a film, television programme, or book 1. something spoken or written that is regarded as meaningless, absurd, or very inaccurate 2. literature or art considered worthless or offensive 3. discarded, unwanted, or worthless material or objects 4. an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody's social position or morals 5. twigs, branches, or leaves that have fallen or been trimmed from trees and plants 6. the dry refuse of sugar cane after it has been crushed for the juice, often used as fuel 7. waste material such as paper, plastic bags, used containers, etc. The British word is rubbish 8. an extremely insulting word for people who you think are dishonest, immoral, or badly educated 9. something that you think is of very bad quality, especially something such as a film, television programme, or book | v. | 1. to destroy, severely damage, or vandalize something deliberately 2. to throw away or discard something 3. to criticize somebody or something savagely, or condemn somebody or something as worthless 4. to remove twigs, branches, or leaves from plants 5. to strip the outer leaves from sugar cane 6. to damage or destroy something, either deliberately or because you did not take good care of it 7. to criticize someone or something in a very strong way 8. to get rid of something 1. to destroy, severely damage, or vandalize something deliberately 2. to throw away or discard something 3. to criticize somebody or something savagely, or condemn somebody or something as worthless 4. to remove twigs, branches, or leaves from plants 5. to strip the outer leaves from sugar cane 6. to damage or destroy something, either deliberately or because you did not take good care of it 7. to criticize someone or something in a very strong way 8. to get rid of something |