a navigation technique that uses the trigonometric properties of triangles to determine a location or course by means of compass bearings from two points a known distance apart.
the division of a large area into adjacent triangles for survey purposes using trigonometric relationships to calculate the dimensions of an area bounded by each triangle.
the system of triangles laid out in triangulation
a method of finding out where you are using a map, a compass, and the positions of places that you know
the method of using other people’s opinions about something to help you to decide what your opinion is
a navigation technique that uses the trigonometric properties of triangles to determine a location or course by means of compass bearings from two points a known distance apart.
the division of a large area into adjacent triangles for survey purposes using trigonometric relationships to calculate the dimensions of an area bounded by each triangle.
the system of triangles laid out in triangulation
a method of finding out where you are using a map, a compass, and the positions of places that you know
the method of using other people’s opinions about something to help you to decide what your opinion is