美 [ʌn'fɪt]
英 [ʌn'fɪt]
- adj.不合格的;不适合的;不适宜的;不宜做事的;身体状态差的
- v.使不适当,使不适宜
- 网络不合适的;不适当的;不健康的
1. | 不合格的;不适合的;不适宜的not of an acceptable standard; not suitable |
The housing was unfit for human habitation . 这种住房不适合居住。 | |
The food on offer was unfit for human consumption . 那些特价食品不适宜让人食用。 | |
This water is unfit to drink. 这水不宜饮用。 | |
Most of the buildings are unfit to live in. 这些楼房多数不适合居住。 | |
They described him as unfit to govern. 他们认为他这个人不适合做管理工作。 | |
Many of the houses were condemned as unfit. 这些房屋有许多被批评为不适宜居住。 | |
The court claims she is an unfit mother. 法庭声称她是个不称职的母亲。 |
2. | (因病等)不能做某事,不宜做事not capable of doing sth, for example because of illness |
He's still unfit for work. 他还不宜工作。 | |
The company's doctor found that she was unfit to carry out her normal work. 公司的医生认为,她不宜从事正常工作。 |
3. | 健康状况欠佳;身体状态差not in good physical condition; not fit, because you have not taken exercise |
The captain is still unfit and will miss tonight's game. 队长身体状态仍不好,将不会出战今晚的比赛。 |