winter cherry
- un.酸浆
- 网络冬樱花;灯笼草;玉珊瑚
un. | 1. 酸浆 |
n. | 1. a plant of the nightshade family that has red berries enclosed in papery orange cases resembling Chinese lanterns. 2. a small plant with round red fruit, often grown as a pot plant. 3. the fruit of the winter cherry 4. a plant that has small orange fruits covered with a thin layer like paper 5. a chinese lantern 2 1. a plant of the nightshade family that has red berries enclosed in papery orange cases resembling Chinese lanterns. 2. a small plant with round red fruit, often grown as a pot plant. 3. the fruit of the winter cherry 4. a plant that has small orange fruits covered with a thin layer like paper 5. a chinese lantern 2 |