释义 |
bas是ba的复数 - abbr.【化】元素钡 (barium 的符号)
- n.【埃神】魂灵
- 网络楼宇自动化系统(building automation system);楼宇自控系统;制动辅助系统(Brake Assist System)
n. | 4. 【埃及神话】魂灵〔被古埃及人描述成人头鸟身,死时飞离肉体,以后又要飞回,所以要保存尸体〕 4. 【埃及神话】魂灵〔被古埃及人描述成人头鸟身,死时飞离肉体,以后又要飞回,所以要保存尸体〕 |
sym. | | n. | 1. Bachelor of Arts: a first degree from a university in a subject such as languages or history. A first degree in a scientific subject is a BSc | abbr. | 5. British Association (for the Advancement of Science) 5. British Association (for the Advancement of Science) |