释义 |
beaters是beater的复数 - n.打击者;帮助猎人从隐蔽处赶出野兽的助手;杵;【纸】打浆机
- 网络搅拌器;搅拌机做成的食物;搅拌棒
n. whisk,blade,attachment,paddle,stick n. | 7. 〔技〕拍打器,捣棒,搅拌器;冲击式破碎机;打浆机;〔牧〕猎人助手 9. 杵,槌,锤,夯具;【造纸】打浆机,搅拌器;【纺织;印染】打手,翼子板;弹(棉)花器 7. 〔技〕拍打器,捣棒,搅拌器;冲击式破碎机;打浆机;〔牧〕猎人助手 9. 杵,槌,锤,夯具;【造纸】打浆机,搅拌器;【纺织;印染】打手,翼子板;弹(棉)花器 |
n. | 1. somebody who flushes out game for hunters to shoot, usually by hitting bushes 2. somebody who hammers metal 3. an old rusty automobile in poor running condition 4. a tool for beating something, e.g. a shaped stick for beating the dust out of carpets, or an electric food mixer attachment for beating eggs 5. someone whose job is to make birds or wild animals come out of bushes or grass, so that people who are hunting can shoot them 1. somebody who flushes out game for hunters to shoot, usually by hitting bushes 2. somebody who hammers metal 3. an old rusty automobile in poor running condition 4. a tool for beating something, e.g. a shaped stick for beating the dust out of carpets, or an electric food mixer attachment for beating eggs 5. someone whose job is to make birds or wild animals come out of bushes or grass, so that people who are hunting can shoot them |